[PDF] Algorithm = logic + control | Semantic Scholar
Commentary on McDermott
- J. McCarthyV. Lifschitz
- 1987
Computer Science, Philosophy
Even Horn clause logic (which is restricted to computing single values for variables) subsumes ordinary computation, so the fact that non-Horn clause logic can generate more than a single value per variable means that it is more powerful than ordinary computation.
Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning
- Pedro CabalarTran Cao Son
- 2013
Computer Science, Philosophy
I suggest that this is an appropriate level for dealing with change in logic programs, complementing earlier syntax-dependent approaches, and touches on work concerning AS revision, with respect to both specific approaches and logical characterisations.
Logic for problem solving
- R. Kowalski
- 1979
Computer Science, Philosophy
The computer science library : Artificial…
This book investigates the application of logic to problem-solving and computer programming. It assumes no previous knowledge of these fields, and may be Karl duncker in addition to make difficult…
A Proof Procedure Using Connection Graphs
- R. Kowalski
- 1975
Computer Science
A new theorem-proving system designed to remedy deficiencies of resolution systems is presented, beginning as a supplement to SL-resolution in the form of classificatmn trees and incorporating an analogue of the Waltz algorithm for picture Interpretation.
A Relational Model for Large Shared Data Banks
- E. Codd
- 1970
Computer Science
His goal is to describe data, not to build a model of computation (which one would then be expected to prove equivalent to Turing Machines), and the idea of using a relation view of data to avoid ordering dependencies, access path dependencies and other implementation dependencies.
Non-Deterministic Algorithms
- Jacques Cohen
- 1979
Computer Science
Two examples follow, showing the usefulness of the primitwes m computer-reded problem solving: the first is a simple question-answering program, the other is a parser for a context-sensitive language.
Relational Completeness of Data Base Sublanguages
- E. Codd
- 1972
Computer Science
Research Report / RJ / IBM / San Jose, California
This paper attempts to provide a theoretical basis which may be used to determine how complete a selection capability is provided in a proposed data sublanguage independently of any host language in which the sublanguage may be embedded.
PLANNER: A Language for Proving Theorems in Robots
- C. Hewitt
- 1969
Computer Science, Engineering
The deductive system of PLANNER is subordinate to the hierarchical control structure in order to make the language efficient and the use of a general purpose matching language makes the deductives system more powerful.