[PDF] Solar Energetic-Particle Ground-Level Enhancements and the Solar Cycle | Semantic Scholar
@article{Owens2022SolarEG, title={Solar Energetic-Particle Ground-Level Enhancements and the Solar Cycle}, author={Mathew J. Owens and Luke A. Barnard and Benjamin J. S. Pope and Mike Lockwood and Ilya G. Usoskin and Eleanna Asvestari}, journal={Solar Physics}, year={2022}, volume={297}, url={https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:251066764} }
Severe geomagnetic storms appear to be ordered by the solar cycle in a number of ways. They occur more frequently close to solar maximum and the declining phase, are more common in larger solar cycles, and show different patterns of occurrence in odd- and even-numbered solar cycles. Our knowledge of the most extreme space-weather events, however, comes from spikes in cosmogenic-isotope (14C, 10Be, and 36Cl) records that are attributed to significantly larger solar energetic-particle (SEP…
5 Citations
75 References
Solar energetic particles: A paradigm shift
- D. Reames
- 1995
Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MarylandThe first evidence of high-energy particles from the Sun was obtained 50 years ago when Forbush [1946]…
The solar flare myth
- J. Gosling
- 1993
Many years of research have demonstrated that large, nonrecurrent geomagnetic storms, shock wave disturbances in the solar wind, and energetic particle events in interplanetary space often occur in…