[PDF] Solar Energetic-Particle Ground-Level Enhancements and the Solar Cycle | Semantic Scholar

  title={Solar Energetic-Particle Ground-Level Enhancements and the Solar Cycle},
  author={Mathew J. Owens and Luke A. Barnard and Benjamin J. S. Pope and Mike Lockwood and Ilya G. Usoskin and Eleanna Asvestari},
  journal={Solar Physics},

Severe geomagnetic storms appear to be ordered by the solar cycle in a number of ways. They occur more frequently close to solar maximum and the declining phase, are more common in larger solar cycles, and show different patterns of occurrence in odd- and even-numbered solar cycles. Our knowledge of the most extreme space-weather events, however, comes from spikes in cosmogenic-isotope (14C, 10Be, and 36Cl) records that are attributed to significantly larger solar energetic-particle (SEP… 

5 Citations

75 References

Solar energetic particles: A paradigm shift

Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MarylandThe first evidence of high-energy particles from the Sun was obtained 50 years ago when Forbush [1946]

The solar flare myth

Many years of research have demonstrated that large, nonrecurrent geomagnetic storms, shock wave disturbances in the solar wind, and energetic particle events in interplanetary space often occur in