[PDF] On understanding types, data abstraction, and polymorphism | Semantic Scholar
Higher-Order Subtyping with Type Intervals
- Sandro Stucki
- 2017
Computer Science
This dissertation proposes type intervals as a unifying concept for expressing (1--3) and other related constructs and develops an extension of F-omega with interval kinds as a formal theory of higher-order subtyping with type intervals, and shows how the familiar concepts ofHigher-order bounded quantification, bounded operator abstraction and singleton kinds can all be encoded in a semantics-preserving way using interval kinds.
Polymorphism and type inference in database programming
- P. BunemanA. Ohori
- 1996
Computer Science
An extension to the type system of ML that captures the polymorphic nation of field selection together with a techniques that generalizes relational operators to arbitrary data structures provides a statically typed language in which generalized relational databases may be cleanly represented as typed structures.
Polymorphic typing of an algorithmic language
- X. Leroy
- 1992
Computer Science
Two new approaches to the polymorphic typing of these non-applicative features of ML with imperative features proposed so far are studied, one of which relies on switching to "by-name" semantics for the constructs of polymorphism, instead of the usual " by-value" semantics.
Contextual polymorphism
- Glen Ditchfield
- 1992
Computer Science
Contextual polymorphism is a variant of parametric polymorphism that is based on contexts, which are abstractions of collections of declarations, and assertions, which link polymorphic routines to the environments that call them.
On the unification of data and program abstraction in Ada
- P. Wegner
- 1983
Computer Science
It is suggested in the conclusion that the understanding of abstraction for object-oriented languages and of other language design, implementation, and environment issues will have progressed sufficiently by 1985 to warrant the design of a successor to Ada by the late 1980s.
Type Inference and Type Containment
- John C. Mitchell
- 1984
Computer Science
Type inference, the process of assigning types to untyped expressions, may be motivated by the design of a typed language or semantical considerations on the meanings of types and expressions, or by a general class of semantic models of type inference.
Three Approaches to Type Structure
- J. C. Reynolds
- 1985
Computer Science
We examine three disparate views of the type structure of programming languages: Milner's type deduction system and polymorphic let construct, the theory of subtypes and generic operators, and the…
A Kernel Language for Abstract Data Types and Modules
- R. BurstallB. Lampson
- 1984
Computer Science, Mathematics
This work uses typed lambda calculus with bindings, declarations, and types as first-class values to build modules, interfaces and implementations, abstract data types, generic types, recursive types, and unions in a concise operational semantics given by inference rules.
Type definitions with parameters
- M. Solomon
- 1978
Computer Science
This paper shows that unless the use of such parameterized definitions is restricted, new (unparameterized) types may be defined which more closely resemble deterministic context-free languages.