Multiple roles of ERCC1‐XPF in mammalian interstrand crosslink repair | Semantic Scholar
Fanconi-like crosslink repair in yeast
- Danielle L. DaeeK. Myung
- 2012
Two recent studies have finally identified a Fanconi-like interstrand crosslink repair pathway in yeast, and future studies in this simplistic model organism promise to greatly improve basic understanding of complex interStrand cross link repair pathways like the Fanconi pathway.
DNA interstrand crosslink repair in mammalian cells
The processes involved in response to DNA interstrand crosslinks which might lead to radial formation and the role of the nucleotide excision repair gene, ERCC1, which is required for a normal response, not just to DNA crosslinks, but also for DSBs at collapsed replication forks caused by substrate depletion are reviewed.