Relationship between the position preference and nutritional state of individuals in schools of juvenile roach (Rutilus rutilus) | Semantic Scholar

  title={Relationship between the position preference and nutritional state of individuals in schools of juvenile roach (Rutilus rutilus)},
  author={Jens Krause and Dirk Bumann and Dietmar Todt},
  journal={Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology},

These results represent the first evidence for a relationship between the nutritional state of individual fish and their positions in a school and suggest a functional advantage of the preference.

111 Citations

24 References

Hydromechanics of Fish Schooling

    D. Weihs

    Environmental Science, Biology

  • 1973

Hydrodynamical effects appear to be important to obligate schooling species, and the endurance of the fish is found to be increased twice to six times when in schools.