Relationship between the position preference and nutritional state of individuals in schools of juvenile roach (Rutilus rutilus) | Semantic Scholar
@article{Krause1992RelationshipBT, title={Relationship between the position preference and nutritional state of individuals in schools of juvenile roach (Rutilus rutilus)}, author={Jens Krause and Dirk Bumann and Dietmar Todt}, journal={Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology}, year={1992}, volume={30}, pages={177-180}, url={} }
These results represent the first evidence for a relationship between the nutritional state of individual fish and their positions in a school and suggest a functional advantage of the preference.
111 Citations
24 References
Hydromechanics of Fish Schooling
- D. Weihs
- 1973
Environmental Science, Biology
Hydrodynamical effects appear to be important to obligate schooling species, and the endurance of the fish is found to be increased twice to six times when in schools.