[PDF] Degradation Behavior of Lithium-Ion Batteries During Calendar Ageing—The Case of the Internal Resistance Increase | Semantic Scholar

  title={Degradation Behavior of Lithium-Ion Batteries During Calendar Ageing—The Case of the Internal Resistance Increase},
  author={Daniel-Ioan Stroe and Maciej Swierczynski and S{\o}ren Knudsen K{\ae}r and Remus Teodorescu},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications},

Lithium-ion batteries are regarded as the key energy storage technology for both e-mobility and stationary renewable energy storage applications. Nevertheless, Lithium-ion batteries are complex energy storage devices, which are characterized by a complex degradation behavior, which affects both their capacity and internal resistance. This paper investigates, based on extended laboratory calendar ageing tests, the degradation of the internal resistance of a lithium-ion battery. The dependence of… 

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