[PDF] The Economics of Internet Markets | Semantic Scholar
Essays in the Industrial Organization of Internet Markets
- 2015
Economics, Computer Science
A dynamic model of competing daily deals platforms is used to investigate why a larger downward price response in markets where platforms have similar shares of users is observed, and Monte Carlo results show that the constrained optimization approach has improved convergence properties over other popular computational methods.
Internet Economics: Writing on the Virtual Wall
- R. Houldin
- 2024
Economics, Computer Science
A selection of conventional approaches to the internet are reviewed, the focus of which is an example of Alfred North Whitehead’s fallacy of misplaced concreteness, which suggests that the public good character of the internet needs to be protected against private interests, including the current group of internet oligarchs.
Internet Use and Economic Growth
- A. BhattacharyaArchita Ghosh
- 2020
Economics, Computer Science
Wealth Creation and Poverty Reduction
A positive significant impact of internet use on economic growth of low income countries is found and the emergence of crisis adversely affected this growth process, overruling the positive impact ofinternet use.
A Tale of Two Surplus Countries: China and Germany
- U. DeichmannA. GoyalD. Mishra
- 2016
Economics, Agricultural and Food Sciences
A concise framework for describing the main benefits from new information and communications technologies is introduced, which promote greater inclusion in the broader economy, raise efficiency by complementing other production factors, and foster innovation by dramatically reducing transaction costs.