Sir Michael Foster MD FRS (1836–1907): the rise of the British school of physiology | Semantic Scholar

William Bateson and the chromosome theory of heredity: a reappraisal

William Bateson vigorously objected to the assumptions within the chromosome theory of heredity proposed by T. H. Morgan because he perceived inadequate experimental data that could substantiate the theory and sought to devise an intellectually and aesthetically satisfying theory to eventually explain evolution in genetic terms.

Sir Michael Foster

The fact that he was responsible for the pre-eminence of Cambridge in Biological Science in later years must be looked upon as being simply fortunate for Cambridge; for he was not originally a graduate of that University and would undoubtedly have brought lustre to any institution which had sufficient insight to secure his services.

Foster and Sharpey's tour of Europe

    A. Sykes


    Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London

  • 2000

An account by Michael Foster of a tour of European physiological laboratories he made with William Sharpey in 1870.