A driver's sixth sense | Semantic Scholar
- 2012
Externalities of road traffic include congestion, accidents, conception of scare space. One of the measures to control these externalities are by Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). Clutter is…
On a Variant of the Mobile Observer Method
- Ryan FlorinS. Olariu
- 2017
Engineering, Computer Science
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation…
This variant of the mobile observer method is comparable in accuracy with the stationary observer method even at lower flow rates, thus enabling faster and more accurate traffic maps and traffic routing applications.
OFDM Radar Algorithms in Mobile Communication Networks
- K. Braun
- 2014
Engineering, Computer Science
OfDM-based radar has been suggested several times independently in the last decade, but many important questions remain unanswered, so one solution is to use OFDM waveforms, which nowadays are commonly used in communications standards already.