Myoclonic involuntary movement associated with chronic manganese poisoning | Semantic Scholar
DOI:10.1016/S0022-510X(02)00111-9 - Corpus ID: 40327454
@article{Ono2002MyoclonicIM, title={Myoclonic involuntary movement associated with chronic manganese poisoning}, author={Kenjiro Ono and Kiyonobu Komai and Masahito Yamada}, journal={Journal of the Neurological Sciences}, year={2002}, volume={199}, pages={93-96}, url={} }
- K. OnoK. KomaiM. Yamada
- Published in Journal of Neurological… 15 July 2002
- Environmental Science, Medicine
87 Citations
13 References
Electrophysiological studies of myoclonus
- H. ShibasakiM. Hallett
- 2000
Electrophysiological studies provide useful information for its diagnosis and classification, and about its generator mechanisms, and the electroencephalogram–electromyogram polygraph reveals the most important information about the myoclonus of interest.
Intoxications of the nervous system
The aim of this book is to provide a systematic review of the literature on neurotoxicological aspects of drugs and their effects on the central nervous system and to clarify the role of serotonin, dopamine, and cocaine in these effects.
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