[PDF] A Really Simple Elementary Proof of the Uniform Boundedness Theorem | Semantic Scholar

The Category of von Neumann Algebras

This dissertation includes an extensive introduction to the basic theory of $C^*$-algebras and von Neumann algebraes and its category of completely positive normal contractive maps.

On the pillars of Functional Analysis

Many authors consider that the main pillars of Functional Analysis are the Hahn–Banach Theorem, the Uniform Boundedness Principle and the Open Mapping Principle. The first one is derived from Zorn’s

Linear Operators in Hilbert Spaces

Motivated by the eigenvalue problems for ordinary and partial differential operators, we shall develop the spectral theory for linear operators in Hilbert spaces. Here we transform the unbounded

Topological Vector Spaces

Background Topology Valuation Theory Algebra Linear Functionals Hyperplanes Measure Theory Normed Spaces Commutative Topological Groups Elementary Considerations Separation and Compactness Bases at 0

Introduction to Functional Analysis

This chapter focuses on functional analysis. Functional analysis consists of the study of vector spaces endowed with an additional structure. This chapter explains the concept of a topological vector

Γ and B

We consider a model for the decay B 0 → ρ 0 γ in which the short-distance amplitude determined by the Hamiltonian describing b → dγ is combined with a typical long-distance contribution B 0 → D + D −