Activation of Endothelial Cell Protease Activated Receptor 1 by the Protein C Pathway | Semantic Scholar

Multiple receptor-mediated functions of activated protein C

This review summarizes the current knowledge about interactions of APC with cell surface-associated receptors, novel substrates such as histones and tissue factor pathway inhibitor, and their implications for the biologic function ofAPC in the control of coagulation and inflammation.

Science review: Role of coagulation protease cascades in sepsis

Activation of the coagulation cascade and the downstream endothelial cell localized anticoagulant pathway thus have opposing effects on systemic inflammation, and this dichotomy is of relevance for the interpretation of preclinical and clinical data that document nonuniform responses to anticoAGulant strategies in sepsis therapy.

Protease activated receptors: theme and variations

This review focuses on recent information about the manner in which signaling through these receptors is initiated and terminated, including evidence for inter- as well as intramolecular modes of activation, and continuing efforts to identify additional, biologically-relevant proteases that can activate PAR family members.