Emission from 44Ti associated with a previously unknown Galactic supernova | Semantic Scholar
Discovery of a young nearby supernova remnant
- 1998
About 200 supernova remnants have been found in the galaxy, six of which are younger than about 1,000 years (ref. 2). Observations of these young remnants are important for understanding of the late…
The origin of 26Al in the Galaxy
- J. Knödlseder
- 1997
The history of recent galactic nucleosynthesis activity can be studied by measurements of the 1.809 MeV gamma-ray line arising from the decay of radioactive 26Al. The COMPTEL telescope aboard the…
The Evolution and Explosion of Massive Stars. II. Explosive Hydrodynamics and Nucleosynthesis
- S. WoosleyT. Weaver
- 1995
The nucleosynthetic yield of isotopes lighter than A = 66 (zinc) is determined for a grid of stellar masses and metallicities including stars of 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22, 25, 30, 35, and 40…