Apolipoprotein A-IV: A potential therapeutic target for atherosclerosis. | Semantic Scholar

Apolipoprotein M: Research Progress and Clinical Perspective.

It has been demonstrated that apoM functions as a natural carrier of sphingosin-1-phosphate (S1P) in vivo which may be related to its antiatherosclerotic and protective effects on endothelial cell barrier and anti-inflammatory properties, which may also provide a link between the diverse effects of HDL.

Apolipoprotein A-IV in diabetes mellitus.

In non-insulin-dependent diabetes treated with insulin, apoA-IV levels are increased, but unlike results for NIDDM patients undergoing oral treatment, the increase in apoC-IV level is not related to hypetriglyceridemia, so that the effect on lipid metabolism may be different.

Plasma metabolism of apolipoprotein A-IV in humans.

The results are consistent with the conclusions that: apoA-IV is present in human plasma in three distinct metabolic pools; apo-IV associated with the triglyceride-rich lipoproteins is a precursor to the apo a-IV HDL and LFF pools; and the catabolism of apo A-IV in HDL is dissociated from that of apeA-I although both apoprotein may reside on the same lipoprotein particles.