[PDF] The representation ring of a compact Lie group | Semantic Scholar
Sur la complétion de la K-théorie équivariante
- 1997
Pour un foncteur M defini sur la categorie des orbites d'un groupe de Lie compact Γ et une famille F de sous-groupes de Γ, on calcule dans [J] la I M (F)-completion de la K-theorie equivariante d'un…
Theory of Lie Groups
- C. Chevalley
- 1946
This famous book was the first treatise on Lie groups in which a modern point of view was adopted systematically, namely, that a continuous group can be regarded as a global object. To develop this…
Theory of Lie Groups (PMS-8)
- C. Chevalley
- 1946
This famous book was the first treatise on Lie groups in which a modern point of view was adopted systematically, namely, that a continuous group can be regarded as a global object. To develop this…
- A.
- 1964
The purpose of the paper is to undertake a detailed investigation of the role of Clifford algebras and spinors in the K&theory of real vector bundles. On the one hand the use of Clifford algebras…