[PDF] Food webs : linkage, interaction strength and community infrastructure | Semantic Scholar

Food-web analysis through field measurement of per capita interaction strength

    Environmental Science, Biology

  • 1992

The first experimental study designed to estimate interaction strengths in a species-rich herbivore guild is reported, documenting on a per capita basis mainly weak or positive interactions, and a few strong interactions, a pattern which has profound implications for community dynamics.

Food web patterns in ecosystems: a reply to Fretwell and Oksanen

    R. Vadas

    Environmental Science, Biology

  • 1989

I review the theoretical and empirical evidence for various theories concerning biomass and turnover patterns of different trophic levels in ecosystems, with special reference to aquatic food webs, and it is concluded that the food chain dynamics theory is useful for examining the direct and indirect effects of predator-prey interactions.

Food webs and niche space.

It is shown that within habitats of a certain limited physical and temporal heterogeneity, the overlaps among niches, along their trophic dimensions, can be represented in a one-dimensional niche space far more often than would be expected by chance alone and perhaps always.