Systemic antivenom and skin necrosis after green pit viper bites | Semantic Scholar

  title={Systemic antivenom and skin necrosis after green pit viper bites},
  author={Runyawan Chotenimitkhun and Ponlapat Rojnuckarin},
  journal={Clinical Toxicology},
  pages={122 - 125},

The goal of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of antivenom in preventing dermatonecrosis in envenomated patients with severe coagulopathy and to explore earlier administration of Antivenom and other treatment modalities.

28 Citations

Clinical Uses of Snake Antivenoms

Clinical judgments to give antivenom should be individualized weighing potential benefits versus risks of antivenoms for the snakes in specific regions, because the snake species are frequently unidentifiable in clinical practice.

23 References