[PDF] Multi-Cell MIMO Cooperative Networks: A New Look at Interference | Semantic Scholar

Multi user MIMO cooperation for wireless network: A survey

    Computer Science, Engineering

  • 2012

This study presents a review of currently known technique for Multi user MIMO cooperation and consideration of research issues related to performance, which includes models for network, grouping and partner selection algorithm, coded cooperation and finally adaptive technique for power and bandwidth efficiency.

Base Station Coordination in Multicell MIMO Networks

This thesis investigates the design and the performance of practically implementable base station coordination schemes, and proposes a low-complexity joint user scheduling and beamforming strategy selection which requires a limited level of inter-base station information exchange while providing significant performance improvement over non-coordinated systems.

On Base Station Cooperation Schemes for Downlink Network MIMO under a Constrained Backhaul

This paper observes a cooperative downlink transmission from two base stations to two terminals under different extents of available backhaul capacity and observes that it is beneficial to use an adaptive cooperation concept, where the base stations exchange either the data to be jointly transmitted itself or partially preceded and compressed signals, depending on the instantaneous channel realization.

Shifting the MIMO Paradigm

Multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO) networks reveal the unique opportunities arising from a joint optimization of antenna combining techniques with resource allocation protocols, and brings robustness with respect to multipath richness, yielding the diversity and multiplexing gains without the need for multiple antenna user terminals.