[PDF] Neurotransmitters of the retino-hypothalamic tract | Semantic Scholar
The mammalian retina as a clock
- G. TosiniC. Fukuhara
- 2002
The identification of a group of genes that are believed to constitute the molecular core of the circadian clock in the retina, although with a slightly different 24-h profile from that observed in the central circadian pacemaker, suggests that some difference may exist between the retinal clock and the clock located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of hypothalamus.
Physiology of circadian entrainment.
- D. GolombekR. Rosenstein
- 2010
Biology, Medicine
Several aspects of the mechanisms for photic entrainment of mammalian circadian rhythms are covered, including retinal sensitivity to light by means of novel photopigments as well as circadian variations in the retina that contribute to the regulation of retinal physiology.