Suicidal hanging resulting in complete decapitation: a case report | Semantic Scholar
A suicide by self-decapitation.
- P. Prichard
- 1993
Medicine, Psychology
A young male obtained some polyethylene rope, drove to a secluded spot in the nearby woods and used it, a tree stump and his vehicle to decapitate himself.
Why Are the British Hanging Themselves?
- D. Pounder
- 1993
A rising suicide rate among males, particularly the young, is associated with an increased use of hanging as a suicide method, which may be one underlying cause of the increased numbers of completed suicides and the rise in the suicide rate.
Judicial Executions
- J. J. de Zouche Marshall
- 1888
Law, Medicine
Mention was made at the meeting of the interesting fact that the infirmary will soon complete its century of usefulness, the foundation stone having been laid in 1793, and in the attention to the drains and other sanitary measures which have become necessary, it is the modern part that has been found most fault with and that has required most doing to.