Why Do Men Rape? An Evolutionary Psychological Perspective | Semantic Scholar

  title={Why Do Men Rape? An Evolutionary Psychological Perspective},
  author={William F. McKibbin and Todd K. Shackelford and Aaron T. Goetz and Valerie G. Starratt},
  journal={Review of General Psychology},
  pages={86 - 97},

Rape of women by men has occurred throughout recorded history and across cultures. In this article, we discuss rape from an evolutionary psychological perspective. Evolutionary psychology is a powerful heuristic tool that allows researchers to develop and test novel hypotheses about complex behaviors such as rape. Some researchers have argued that men have evolved psychological mechanisms that motivate them to rape in specific contexts. We discuss evidence consistent with this claim, and argue… 

103 Citations

The enigma of rape

"The topic of rape has historically been approached from a multitude of angles; it has been justified as an act of uncontrolled emotion of sexual attraction by some, and as a display of supremacy by

85 References

The Causes of Rape

Originally published in Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 1991, Vol 36(5), 386–387. Reviews the book, Four Theories of Rape in American Society: A State-Level Analysis by Larry Baron and