Reproductive effort and r-and K-selection in two species of Lacuna (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) | Semantic Scholar
@article{Grahame1977ReproductiveEA, title={Reproductive effort and r-and K-selection in two species of Lacuna (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia)}, author={John W. Grahame and N. Yorkshire}, journal={Marine Biology}, year={1977}, volume={40}, pages={217-224}, url={} }
The growth and spawning of Lacuna pallidula and L. vincta were measured in the laboratory over 7 months, and it is suggested that the paradox can be resolved in terms of r-K-selection theory.
50 Citations
13 References
On Reproductive Strategies in Marine Benthic Invertebrates
- R. Vance
- 1973
Environmental Science, Biology
Mathematical models relating reproductive energetic efficiency to egg size in marine benthic invertebrates with planktonic and nonplanktonic prefeeding larval development are described and known geographic trends in developmental patterns are discussed.