Carcases and mites | Semantic Scholar
Forensic acarology: an introduction
- 2009
Biology, Environmental Science
The scope of forensic acarology goes further than mites as indicators of time of death and might provide evidential data on movement or relocation of bodies, or locating a suspect at the scene of a crime.
Can freshwater mites act as forensic tools?
- H. Proctor
- 2009
Biology, Environmental Science
It is concluded that based on their biology, there is little expectation that freshwater mites should be of great value as forensic tools, and this survey of legal and scientific literature supports this argument.
A Summer Carrion Study of the Baby Pig Sus Scrofa Linnaeus
- J. Payne
- 1965
Agricultural and Food Sciences, Environmental Science
A carrion study of the baby pig, Sus scrofa Linnaeus, was conducted during the summers of 1962 and 1963 in a mixed mesophytic hardwood—pine community at Clemson, South Carolina, where a definite ecological succession occurred among the fauna of carrions.
The Entomology of the Cadaver
- A. EastonKenneth G. V. Smith
- 1970
Biology, Medicine
The order Diptera is most important in forensic entomology, but after death the corpse is further invaded by a large fauna of scavenging invertebrates, and the entomologist's evidence may shed light on the manner of death and nature of the inunediate environment from knowledge of the habits of the insects involved.