The basic body plan of arthropods: insights from evolutionary morphology and developmental biology | Semantic Scholar

  title={The basic body plan of arthropods: insights from evolutionary morphology and developmental biology},
  author={Jan Zrzav{\'y} and Pavel {\vS}tys},
  journal={Journal of Evolutionary Biology},

Comparative morphology as well as embryology of malacostracans and hexapods suggest that the basic boundary subdividing the mandibulate body into the primary embryonic regions, anterior protocephalon and posterior protocorm, runs anteriorly to parasegment PS1 of mandibular segment.

99 Citations

40 References

Pentastomid parasites from the Lower Palaeozoic of Sweden

The fossils clearly document the marine origin of the Pentastomida, and that their specific morphology and parasitic life style were already established in the late Cambrian at a high degree of diversification, long before the terrestrialisation of their present final hosts, the tetrapods.