[PDF] Lithium batteries and cathode materials. | Semantic Scholar
@article{Amereller2004LithiumBA, title={Lithium batteries and cathode materials.}, author={Marius Amereller and M. S. Whittingham}, journal={Chemical reviews}, year={2004}, volume={104 10}, pages={ 4271-301 }, url={https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:888879} }
This paper will describe lithium batteries in more detail, building an overall foundation for the papers that follow which describe specific components in some depth and usually with an emphasis on the materials behavior.
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5,454 Citations
Materials for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries.
The lithium-ion battery is the most promising battery candidate to power battery-electric vehicles and promising substitutes for graphite as the anode material include silicon, tin, germanium, their alloys, and various metal oxides that have much higher theoretical storage capacities and operate at slightly higher and safer potentials.
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