A look inside the Juno Mission to Jupiter | Semantic Scholar

  title={A look inside the Juno Mission to Jupiter},
  author={Richard S. Grammier},
  journal={2009 IEEE Aerospace conference},

Juno, the second mission within the New Frontiers Program, is a Jupiter polar orbiter mission designed to return high-priority science data that spans across multiple divisions within NASA's Science Mission Directorate. Juno's science objectives, coupled with the natural constraints of a cost-capped, PI-led mission and the harsh environment of Jupiter, have led to a very unique mission and spacecraft design. The mission and spacecraft design accommodates the required payload suite of… 

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The Juno Mission

Juno is a PI-led mission to Jupiter, the second mission in NASA’s New Frontiers Program. The 3625-kg spacecraft spins at 2 rpm and is powered by three 9-meter-long solar arrays that provide ∼500

The Juno Mission

Juno is a PI-led mission to Jupiter, the second mission in NASA’s New Frontiers Program. The 3625-kg spacecraft spins at 2 rpm and is powered by three 9-meter-long solar arrays that provide ∼500

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