[PDF] An Introduction to Quantum Programming in Quipper | Semantic Scholar
Five reversible quantum gates in Quipper
- 2016
Computer Science, Physics
This work uses the Quipper framework to demonstrate the implementation of five non-trivial reversible gates and uses a Quipper simulator to run a simulation for each gate on a classical computer.
Posner computing: a quantum neural network model
- James L. Ulrich
- 2016
Computer Science, Physics
A construction of a quantum algorithm which probabilistically computes a classical function from n bits to n bits is presented, rendered in Quipper, as a simplest example of a particular quantum neural network which is inspired by recent work of Fisher concerning possible quantum substrates to cognition.
Quantum Programming Languages
- Kesha Hietala
- 2017
Computer Science, Physics
The ideal time to explore quantum programming language designs is now, before a quantum computer has been realized, so that when a quantumComputer is actually built the authors will be able to take full advantage of its resources.
Quantum programming languages: survey and bibliography
- S. Gay
- 2006
Computer Science, Physics
The study of quantum Programming languages is justified, the basics of quantum computing are presented, the literature in quantum programming languages is surveyed, and directions for future research are indicated.
Addition on a Quantum Computer
- Thomas G. Draper
- 2000
Physics, Computer Science
A new method for computing sums on a quantum computer is introduced. This technique uses the quantum Fourier transform and reduces the number of qubits necessary for addition by removing the need for…
The Quantum IO Monad
- Thorsten Altenkirchdotwice
- 2006
Computer Science, Physics
The Quantum IO monad is a purely functional interface to quantum programming implemented as a Haskell library that provides a constructive semantics of quantum programming and presents a complete implementation of Shor’s algorithm.
A Procedural Formalism for Quantum Computing
- Bernhard Ömer
- 2002
Computer Science, Physics
QCL (Quantum Computation Language) is a hight level, architecture independent programming language for quantum computers, with a syntax derived from classical procedural languages like C or Pascal, which allows for the complete implementation and simulation of quantum algorithms in one consistent formalism.
Semantic Techniques in Quantum Computation
- I. Mackie
- 2009
Computer Science, Physics
This book explores quantum computation from the perspective of the branch of theoretical computer science known as semantics, as an alternative to the more well-known studies of algorithmics, complexity theory, and information theory.
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
- Yazhen Wang
- 2012
Computer Science, Physics
This paper introduces the basic concepts of quantum computation and quantum simulation and presents quantum algorithms that are known to be much faster than the available classic algorithms and provides a statistical framework for the analysis of quantum algorithms and quantum Simulation.