AP Exams Calculator Policy – AP Students | College Board
Get details on what types and brands of calculators you can and can’t bring, which AP Exams you can use calculators on, and important tips.
Important to know:
- Only certain types and brands of calculators are allowed. Scroll down this page to see the list of approved handheld graphing calculators and the list of unapproved calculators. The proctor will check all calculators before the exam starts.
- Update for the 2025 AP Exams: For all exams that allow or require calculators, except AP Statistics, you can use the built-in Desmos graphing calculator through the Bluebook testing application. Note that for Calculus AB, Calculus BC, and Precalculus, Desmos will only be available in the calculator-required parts of the exam. These exams continue to have parts where no calculator is allowed.
- 4-function calculators are basic calculators that have functions limited to addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square roots, and percentage.
- You can bring up to 2 permitted calculators to the exam. Be sure to bring calculators that you’re familiar with and that are in good working order.
- You don’t need to clear your calculators’ memories before or after the exam.
Exam Day Rules:
- You can’t share calculators with other exam takers.
- You can’t use your calculator to communicate with other calculators.
- You can’t use calculator memories to take test materials out of the room. If you try to take test materials out of the room by any method, your scores will be canceled.
- If you don’t want to use a calculator, you may take an exam without one.
Courses and Calculator Use
Course | Type of calculator allowed | Section I Multiple Choice | Section II Free Response |
Biology | 4-function (with square root), scientific, or graphing calculator Built-in Desmos graphing calculator through Bluebook | Allowed | Allowed |
Calculus AB | Graphing calculator Built-in Desmos graphing calculator through Bluebook | Required for Part B | Required for Part A |
Calculus BC | Graphing calculator Built-in Desmos graphing calculator through Bluebook | Required for Part B | Required for Part A |
Chemistry | Scientific calculator (must not have unapproved features or capabilities; see list of unapproved calculators and technology) or graphing calculator Built-in Desmos graphing calculator through Bluebook 4-function calculator (allowed but not recommended) | Allowed | Allowed |
Environmental Science | 4-function (with square root), scientific, or graphing calculator Built-in Desmos graphing calculator through Bluebook | Allowed | Allowed |
Macroeconomics | 4-function calculator Built-in Desmos graphing calculator through Bluebook Note: Handheld calculators with storage capabilities such as scientific calculators and graphing calculators are not allowed. | Allowed | Allowed |
Microeconomics | 4-function calculator Built-in Desmos graphing calculator through Bluebook Note: Handheld calculators with storage capabilities such as scientific calculators and graphing calculators are not allowed. | Allowed | Allowed |
Physics 1 | 4-function, scientific, or graphing calculator Built-in Desmos graphing calculator through Bluebook | Allowed | Allowed |
Physics 2 | 4-function, scientific, or graphing calculator Built-in Desmos graphing calculator through Bluebook | Allowed | Allowed |
Physics C: Mechanics | 4-function, scientific, or graphing calculator Built-in Desmos graphing calculator through Bluebook | Allowed | Allowed |
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism | 4-function, scientific, or graphing calculator Built-in Desmos graphing calculator through Bluebook | Allowed | Allowed |
Precalculus | Graphing calculator Built-in Desmos graphing calculator through Bluebook | ||
Statistics | Graphing calculator with statistical capabilities Nongraphing calculators are permitted if they have the required statistics computational capabilities described in the AP Statistics Course and Exam Description. Note: The Desmos graphing calculator is not available for this exam because Desmos does not currently have the required statistics computational capabilities. | Expected | Expected |
Calculators are not allowed for any other AP Exams, including Computer Science A and Computer Science Principles, unless a student has an approved accommodation for use of a 4-function calculator.
List of Approved Handheld Graphing Calculators
This list will be updated as necessary to include new approved calculators.
FX-6000 Series | FX-6200 Series | FX-6300 Series |
FX-6500 Series | FX-7000 Series | FX-7300 Series |
FX-7400 Series | FX-7500 Series | FX-7700 Series |
FX-7800 Series | FX-8000 Series | FX-8500 Series |
FX-8700 Series | FX-8800 Series | Graph25 Series |
FX-9700 Series* | FX-9750 Series* | FX-9860 Series* |
CFX-9800 Series* | CFX-9850 Series* | CFX-9950 Series* |
CFX-9970 Series* | FX 1.0 Series* | FX-CG-10 * |
Algebra FX 2.0 Series* | FX-CG-20 Series* | FX-CG-50* |
Graph35 Series* | Graph75 Series* | Graph95 Series* |
Graph100 Series* | FX-CG500* (The use of the stylus is not permitted) |
HP-9G | HP-28 Series* | HP-38G* |
HP-39 Series* | HP-40 Series* | HP-48 Series* |
HP-49 Series* | HP-50 Series* | HP Prime* |
Radio Shack
EL-5200 | EL-9200 Series* | EL-9300 Series* |
EL-9600 Series* (The use of the stylus is not permitted) | EL-9900 Series* |
Texas Instruments
TI-73 | TI-80 | TI-81 |
TI-82* | TI-83*/TI-83 Plus* | TI-83 Plus Silver* |
TI-84 Plus*/ TI-84 Plus CE* | TI-84 Plus CE Python* | TI-84 Plus Silver* |
TI-84 Plus C Silver* | TI-84 Plus T* | TI-84 Plus CE-T Python Edition* |
TI-84 Plus CE-T* | TI-85* | TI-86* |
TI-89* | TI-89 Titanium* | TI-Nspire*/ TI-Nspire CX* |
TI-Nspire CX II* | TI-Nspire CX II-T* | TI-Nspire CAS* |
TI-Nspire CX CAS* | TI-Nspire CM-C* | TI-Nspire CM-C CAS* |
TI-Nspire CX-C CAS* | TI-Nspire CX II CAS* | TI-Nspire CX II-T CAS* |
TI-Nspire CX II-C CAS* |
Datexx DS-883 | Micronta | NumWorks* |
Smart2 |
Calculators are not allowed for any other AP Exams, including Computer Science A and Computer Science Principles, unless a student has an approved accommodation for use of a 4-function calculator.
*Graphing calculators with the expected built-in capabilities for AP Calculus are indicated with an asterisk. See the AP Calculus AB and BC Course and Exam Description for details. However, students may bring any calculator on the list to the exam; any model within each series is acceptable. Only approved graphing calculators from the list are permitted for AP Calculus Exams.
This list will be updated as necessary to include new approved calculators. Check this list regularly before exam day to make sure you have the most up-to-date information.
This list only includes approved graphing calculators. There is not an approved list of scientific (nongraphing) calculators.
Unapproved Calculators and Technology
Students are not allowed to use any of the following:
- Phones, smartwatches, or wearable technology of any kind
- Models with QWERTY (i.e., typewriter-like) keypads as part of hardware or software (e.g., TI-92 Plus, Voyage 200)
- Models with pen-input/stylus capability (e.g., Palm, PDAs, Casio ClassPad)
- Models with wireless, Bluetooth, or cellular capability
- Models that require an electrical outlet, “talk”** or make noise, or have a paper tape
- Models that can access the internet
- Models that have cell phone capability or audio/video recording or playing capability
- Models that have a camera, scanning capability, or any other smartphone-type features
- Models with touch-screen capability that aren’t on the list of approved graphing calculators (e.g., Casio ClassPad)
- Hardware peripherals such as a stylus, keyboard, or wireless adapter with an approved calculator
**Unless approved by the College Board SSD Office as an accommodation.