Items where Subject is "480 Hellenic languages Classical Greek" - heiDOK

Number of items at this level: 47.


Boli, Theodora (2004) Olympiodor, Diakon von Alexandria, Kommentar zum Ekklesiastes : eine kritische Edition. [Dissertation]


Cenati, Chiara ; Elliott, Tom ; De la Escosura Balbás, M. Cristina ; Gheldof, Tom ; Kurilić, Anamarija ; Mannocci, Andrea ; Razanajao, Vincent (2020) Report on the third workshop held in Vienna, May 30 - June 1, 2019 (Institut für Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde, Papyrologie und Epigraphik, Universität Wien). [Conference Item]

Cenati, Chiara ; Tom, Elliot ; Cristina, De la Escosura Balbás ; Petra, Heřmánková ; Jonathan, Prag ; Vincent, Razanajao ; Nadine, Riegler ; Franziska, Weise (2020) Report on the fourth workshop held in Hamburg, February 19 - 21, 2020 (Arbeitsbereich Alte Geschichte, Universität Hamburg). [Conference Item]


Drummen, Annemieke (2017) Language on stage. Particles in ancient Greek drama. [Dissertation]

Dzwiza, Kirsten (2012) Der Asteriskos als kritisches Zeichen in magischen Texten - Acht Beispiele in PGM VII und PGM XCIV. Acta Classica Univ. Debrecen, 48. pp. 149-165.


Feraudi-Gruénais, Francisca (2018) Introduction to the first workshop in Heidelberg, 21st-23rd March 2018. [Conference Item]

Feraudi-Gruénais, Francisca (2020) Statement of Intent on the Handling of Unpublished Inscriptions. pp. 1-2.

Feraudi-Gruénais, Francisca ; Cowey, James ; Gheldof, Tom ; Grieshaber, Frank ; Kurilić, Anamarija ; Liuzzo, Pietro (2019) Report on the second workshop held in Zadar, December 14-16, 2018 (Department of History, University of Zadar). [Conference Item]

Feraudi-Gruénais, Francisca ; Grieshaber, Frank (2016) Digital Epigraphy am Scheideweg? / Digital Epigraphy at a crossroads? [Conference Item]

Feraudi-Gruénais, Francisca ; Grieshaber, Frank (2018) Empfehlungen für eine offene kollaborative Plattform für die antike Epigraphik - / Recommendation for an open collaborative platform for ancient epigraphy - [Other]

Feraudi-Gruénais, Francisca ; Grieshaber, Frank ; Cowey, James ; Lougovaya-Ast, Julia (2018) Report on the first workshop in Heidelberg, March 21-23, 2018. [Conference Item]

Fernández Riva, Gustavo (2020) Guidelines for the annotation of the digital facsimile of the Anthologia Palatina (Cod. Pal. graec. 23).


Gad, Usama (2022) Eine Edition griechischer Papyrusurkunden aus dem ägyptischen Museum in Kairo (P.Cair.Gad). [Dissertation]

Grethlein, Jonas (2017) Au commencement est l'épopée. [Book Section]

Grethlein, Jonas (2018) Die Antike - das 'nächste Fremde'? Merkur. Deutsche Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken (824). pp. 22-35.

Grethlein, Jonas (2018) The Eyes of Odysseus. Gaze, Desire and Control in the Odyssey. [Book Section]

Grethlein, Jonas (2018) Homeric motivation and modern narratology. The case of Penelope. CCJ online.

Grethlein, Jonas (2017) Lessing's Laocoon and the 'as-if' of aesthetic experience. [Book Section]

Grethlein, Jonas (2017) Literary history! The case of ancient Greek literature. [Book Section]

Grethlein, Jonas (2016) Lucian's response to Augustine: conversion and narrative in Confessions and Nigrinus. Religion in the Roman Empire (2/2). pp. 256-278.

Grethlein, Jonas (2018) More than minds. Experience, narrative and plot. Partial Answers.

Grethlein, Jonas (2018) Ornamental and Formulaic Patterns. The Semantic Significance of Form in Early Greek Vase-Painting and Homeric Epic. [Book Section]

Grethlein, Jonas (2018) Truth, vividness and enactive narration in ancient Greek historiography. [Book Section]

Grethlein, Jonas (2013) Zeit, Erzählung und Raum in Augustinus' Confessiones. [Book Section]

Grethlein, Jonas (2017) The best of the Achaeans? Odysseus and Achilles in the Odyssey. [Book Section]

Grethlein, Jonas ; Huitink, Luuk (2017) Homer's vividness. An enactive approach. Journal of Hellenic Studies (137). pp. 67-91.


Halbedl, Karl - Heinz (2012) Was sind die Impheis? Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Existenz von Unterethnien oder Teilethnien bei den Perrhaibern. Hermes, Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie, 140 (2). pp. 230-235. ISSN 0018-0777

Hamouda, Fatma E. (2020) Communication and the circulation of letters in the Eastern Desert of Egypt during the Roman Period. [Dissertation]

Hirsch, Tobias (2024) Die Briefe des Isokrates. Netzwerkbildung im vierten Jahrhundert v. Chr. [Dissertation]

Huitink, Luuk (2018) Enargeia, Enactivism and the Ancient Readerly Imagination. [Book Section]

Huitink, Luuk (2013) Review: Deborah Beck, Speech Presentation in Homeric Epic. Bryn Mawr Classical Review (10.57).

Huitink, Luuk (2018) Xenophon. [Book Section]

Huitink, Luuk ; Rood, Tim (2016) Subordinate Officers in Xenophon's Anabasis. Histos Supplement (5). pp. 199-242.

Huitink, Luuk ; van Henten, Jan Willem (2018) Josephus. [Book Section]

Häußermann, Nikolai (2018) „al-Qāʿida al-Ṣulba“. „Die solide Basis“ des islamischen Staates (1953-2003), Band 1: 1953-1988. [Dissertation]


Koutsogiannis, Charisios (2017) Untersuchungen zu den Weihreliefs an Artemis aus Klassischer Zeit. [Dissertation]

Kreij, Mark de (2014) The Metalanguage of Performance. A discourse perspective on particle use in Homer and Pindar. [Dissertation]


Pölzer-Nawroth, Jule (2020) Creating Identity and Uniting a Nation - The Development of the Water Motif from Ancient Greek Bucolic to Early Modern English Pastoral Poetry. [Dissertation]


Rohstock, Max (2024) How Evil Happens to Be: Dionysius the Pseudo-Areopagite on the Origin of Evil. pp. 1-16.


Schlott, Karin (2021) Komik im Kult. Eine kontextuelle Untersuchung der böotischen Kabirenbecher. [Dissertation]


Tagliabue, Aldo (2015) Heliodorus' reading of Lucian's Toxaris. Mnemosyne, online. pp. 1-23.

Tagliabue, Aldo (2015) Heliodorus's Aethiopica and the Odyssean Mnesterophonia: an intermedial reading. TAPA, 145 (2). pp. 445-468.

Tagliabue, Aldo (2017) Learning from Allegorical Images in the Book of Visions of The Shepherd of Hermas. Arethusa, 50 (2). pp. 221-255.

Tagliabue, Aldo (2017) Xenophon’s Ephesiaca - Introduction. [Book Section]

Tagliabue, Aldo (2016) An embodied reading of epiphanies in Aelius Aristides' Sacred Tales. Ramus, 45 (2). pp. 213-230.


Willer, Laura (2023) „Beschreib es und trag es versteckt“ Sogenannt magische Papyrusamulette aus dem römischen Ägypten in der Praxis – Ihre Herstellung und Handhabung. [Dissertation]


Xian, Ruobing (2017) Raumbeschreibung in der Odyssee. [Dissertation]

This list was generated on Wed Mar 26 01:08:48 2025 CET.