Antic Magazine Volume 2 Number 05 (Graphics) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
- ️Mon Aug 22 2011
Publication date
- 1983-08
- atari, program, disk, graphics, gosub, data, software, color, atari resource, poke, rem data, money order, machine language, typo table, character set, atari basic, residents add, disk drive, demon attack
- Language
- English
- Item Size
- 239.7M
Antic Magazine Vol. 2 No. 5 - August 1983 - Graphics
* 3-D Fuji - Spin the Symbol by Jerry O'neill
* Antic Cover Art Contest Winners Frank Brandle, John Brooks, Cecilia Gaxiola, Richard Slater, Peter Wickman
* Education Color Codes for Resistors by Charles Moore
* Escher Sketcher by Benjamin Bartels
* Games Department VCS Graphics by Dan Gutman
* Graphics Grab Bag by Jerry O'Neill, Ralph Iskaros, Ralph Iskaros, Ken Harms, David Plotkin
* Help!
* Inside Atari Alan Alda Atari names new spokesperson by Robert DeWitt
* In The Public Domain Maze Maniac by Scott McKissock
* I/O Board
* Keystroke Artist Drawing program in Graphics 10 by Alan Gellings
* New Products Computer Cap, Screen Maker, Amplot 11, GTIA Draw, Slager System Personal Computer Desk, Home Energy Applications On Your Personal Computer, Poo Yan, The Alog Pagewriter, Sound Trap, No Zap, Pocket Calc, Fancy Writer, Devil's Dare, Questar II
* Picture Utility Move your Micropainter masterpiece by William Hough
* Pilot Your Atari Redefine Characters by Kathy Bergh, Phil Bergh
* 8-Bit Product Reviews Mapmaker, Zaxxon, Fort Apocalypse, PM Animator, Kid Grid, Demon Attack, Starcross by Clyde Spencer, Marc Benioff, Roy Wolford, David Duberman, Bryan Welch, Harvey Bernstein
* Profiles Pat Ketchum of Datasoft by Tay Vaughan
* Starting Line Turn Coat game by Ted Murdoch
* Tape Topics Get Your Head Straight by Carl Evans
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