The Scholemaster: Or Plaine and Perfite Way of Teaching Children, to Vnderstand, Write, and Speake, the Latin Tong, but Specially Purposed for the Priuate Brynging vp of Youth in Ientlemen and Noble Mens Houses, and Commodious also for All Such, as have Forgot the Latin Tonge, and would, by Themselues, without à Scholemaster, in Short Tyme, and with Small Paines, Recover à Sufficient Habilitie, to Vnderstand, Write, and Speake Latin. : Roger Ascham : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
- ️Tue Jun 07 2022
Roger Ascham; Margaret Ascham (editor), The Scholemaster: Or Plaine and Perfite Way of Teaching Children, to Vnderstand, Write, and Speake, the Latin Tong, but Specially Purposed for the Priuate Brynging vp of Youth in Ientlemen and Noble Mens Houses, and Commodious also for All Such, as have Forgot the Latin Tonge, and would, by Themselues, without à Scholemaster, in Short Tyme, and with Small Paines, Recover à Sufficient Habilitie, to Vnderstand, Write, and Speake Latin. (1st edition) (London: Printed by John Daye, dwelling ouer Aldersgate, 1570; OCLC 228713506).