Biochemical, physiological, & molecular aspects of human nutrition : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

  • ️Tue Aug 11 2020

xx, 1212 pages : 27 cm

Presents advanced nutrition in a comprehensive format ideal for graduate students in nutritional programs, organic chemistry, physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology. Focuses on the biology of human nutrition at the molecular, cellular, tissue and whole-body levels

Revised edition of: Biochemical and physiological aspects of human nutrition. c2000

Includes bibliographical references and index

Nutrients: history and definitions -- Nonessential food components with health benefits -- Guidelines for food and nutrient intake -- Structure, nomenclature, and properties of carbohydrates -- Structure and properties of proteins and amino acids -- Structure, nomenclature, and properties of lipids -- Overview of digestion and absorption -- Carbohydrate digestion and absorption -- Digestion and absorption of protein -- Digestion and absorption of lipids -- Dietary fiber -- Carbohydrate metabolism: synthesis and oxidation -- Protein synthesis and degradation -- Amino acid metabolism -- Protein and amino acid requirements -- Metabolism of fatty acids, acylglycerols, and sphingolipids -- Cholesterol and lipoproteins: synthesis, transport, and metabolism -- Essential fatty acids -- Regulation of fuel utilization in response to food intake -- Regulation of fuel utilization in response to exercise -- Cellular and whole-animal energetics -- Control of energy balance -- Disturbances of energy balance -- Niacin, riboflavin, and thiamin -- Folic acid, vitamin B₁₂, and vitamin B₆ -- Pantothenic acid and biotin -- Vitamin C -- Vitamin K -- Vitamin E -- Vitamin A -- Vitamin D -- Calcium and phosphorus -- Magnesium -- Sodium, chloride, and potassium -- Body fluids and water balance -- Iron 1001 -- Zinc, copper, and manganese -- Iodine -- Selenium -- Fluoride -- The ultratrace elements