The dedication of the Germanic museum of Harvard University : Harvard University. Germanic Museum : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
- ️Fri Apr 08 2011
Reprinted from German American annals, January 1904
--Address by Professor von Jagemann.--Address by Baron von dem Bussche-Haddenhausen.--Address by President Eliot.--Address by Professor Francke.--Address by the Honorable Carl Schurz.--Address by Mr. Edward Robinson.--Address by Professor William James.--Address accompanying the gift, to the Germanic museum, of reproductions of representative specimens of German silverware.--Letter announcing the gift of Professor Archibald Cary Coolidge.--Die festvorstellung zur einsweihung des Germanischen museums, von A. W. Boesche.--Das Germanische museum in Cambridge, Massuchusetts, von K. D. Jessen