Evolutionary biology of the fungi : Symposium of the British Mycological Society, held at the University of Bristol, April 1986 : British Mycological Society. Symposium (1986 : University of Bristol) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

  • ️Fri Oct 09 2020

xii, 465 pages : 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index

Machine derived contents note: List of contributors; Preface; 1. Aspects of the macro- and micro-evolution of the fungi Sir John H. Burnett; 2. Structural variation and expression of fungal chromosomal genes G. Turner and D. James Ballance; 3. Chromosome organisation and genome evolution in yeast S. G. Oliver; 4. The natural history of fungal mitochondrial genomes C. Scazzocchio; 5. Varying patterns of ribosomal RNA gene organisation in basidiomycetes Patricia J. Pukkila and Jeane R. Cassidy; 6. Molecular variation and evolution John A. Barrtett; 7. Fungal chromosomes as observed with the light microscope Eva R. Sansome; 8. Regulation of mycelial organisation and responses A. D. M. Rayner and D. Coates; 9. Saprotrophy, stress and symbiosis R. C. Cooke and J. M. Whipps; 10. Evolution of parasitism in the fungi Michl̈e C. Heath; 11. Evolutionary aspects of mutalistic assocations between fungi and photosynthetic organisms David H. Lewis; 12. The veolution and adaptation of sexual reproductive structures in the Ascomucotina D. L. Hawksworth; 13. Convergent evolution and the functional significance of spore shape in aquatic and semi-aquatic fungi John Webster; 14. Genetic exchange and gene flow: their promotion and prevention Michael J. Carlile; 15. The genetic integration of fungal life styles C. E. Caten; 16. The dynamics of fungal speciation C. M. Brasier; 17. Mating ability and the species concept in the Zygomycetes M. A. A. Schipper; 18. Reproductive biology and speciation in Mycomycetes O'N. R. Collins; 19. Occurrence and interactions of outcrossing and non-outcrossing populations in Stereum, Phanerochaete and Coniophora A. M. Ainsworth; 20. Breeding units in the forest pathogens Armillaria and Heterobasidion Kari Korhonen; 21. Genetic variation and evolution in Aspergillus J. H. Croft; 22. Speciation in Phytophthora: evidence from the Phytophthora megasperma complex Everett M. Hansen; 23. The origin of Fungi and pseudofungi Tom Cavalier-Smith; 24. Yeasts and anastomoses: their occurrence and implications for the phylogeny of Eumycota H. Prillinger; 25. Whither terminology below the species level in the fungi? C. M. Brasier and A. D. M. Rayner; 26. The cell wall: a crucial structure in fungal evolution S. Bartnicki-Garcia; 27. Oomycete phylogeny: ultrastructural perspectives G. W. Beakes; 28. Xylariaceous fungi: use of secondary metabolytes A. J. S. Whalley and R. L. Edwards; 29. Whence cometh the agarics? A reappraisal O. K. Miller Jr. and Roy Watling; Index

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