THE CALL OF THE AIR : National Archives and Records Administration : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

  • ️Sun Jan 10 2010

National Archives and Records Administration


Department of Defense. Department of the Air Force. (09/26/1947 - )

ARC Identifier 65873 / Local Identifier 342-USAF-19319. Summary: Shows Lighter-than-air aircraft, ground and air shots illustrating activities and educational opportunities of students in this branch of the U.S. Air Service. The schoois are located at Ross Field, California, Port Omaha, Nebraska, Brooks Fieid, Texas and Langley Field, Virginia. Shows observation balloon, the giant zeppelin, ZDUS-1, the C-2 airship, and the German dirigible BODENSEE. Shows also aerial down shots of Washington and environs. AT PORT OMAHA, NEBRASKA, THE STUDENTS, IN ADDITION TO OTHER DUTIES, LEARN HOW TO FILL BALLOONS. THERE ARE A NUMBER RECENTLY BUILT UNDERGOING TRIALS. Reel 1: 1) P5 several balloons being inflated. 2) PS same area showing balloons being inflated. 3) AS several balloons completely inflated hanging suspended over crowd. 4) PS eight balloons about to be launched in flight. 5) LS one of the balloons rising. 6) NEXT HE PROCEEDS TO ROSS FIELD, ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA. HERE HE STUDIES THE INTRICATE PROBLEM OF BUILDING AND MAEUVERING THE OBSERVATION BALLOON. 6) MS interior storage shed showing observation balloon being moved out of same by students. [...] Good

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