Handbook of American popular culture : Inge, M. Thomas : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
- ️Wed Oct 28 2009
Includes bibliographies and indexes
[Vol. 1.] Advertising-graffiti: Advertising / Donald A. McQuade and Elizabeth Williamson. Almanacs / Robert K. Dodge. Animation / Thomas W. Hoffer. Architecture / Richard Guy Wilson. The automobile / Michael L. Berger and Maurice Duke. Business / Richard F. Welch. Catalogs / Evelyn Beck. Circus and outdoor entertainment / Don B. Wilmeth. Comic strips / M. Thomas Inge. Computers / Michael G. Wessells. Dance / Loretta Carrillo. Death / Robert A. Armour and J. Carol Williams. Debate and public address / Robert H. Janke. Editorial cartoons / Nancy Pogel and Paul Somers, Jr. Fashion / Vicki L. Berger. Film / Robert A. Armour. Foodways / Charles Camp. Games and toys / Bernard Mergen. Gardening / Patsy G. Hammontree. Graffiti / Lisa N. Howorth --
[vol. 2.] Illustration-pornography: Illustration / James J. Best. Jazz / William Howland Kenney III and Bill Bennett. Leisure vehicles, pleasure boats, and aircraft / Bernard Mergen. Magazines / Dorothy S. Schmidt. Magic and magicians / Steven S. Tigner. Medicine and the physician / Anne Hudson Jones. Minorities / Faye Nell Vowell. Music / Mark W. Booth. Musical theater and the revue / Don B. Wilmeth. Newspapers / Richard A. Schwarzlose. The occult / Robert Galbreath. Photography / Richard N. Masteller. Physical fitness / Marilyn J. Gibbs and Claudius W. Griffin. Pornography / Joseph W. Slade -- [v. 3.] Propaganda-women: Propaganda / Richard Alan Nelson. Radio / Thomas A. Greenfeld and Nicholas A. Sharp. Records and the recording industry / James Von Schilling
Regionalism / Anne E. Rowe. Science / Elisabeth Barnaby Keeney. Self-help tradition and popular religion / Roy M. Anker. Sports / Robert J. Higgs. Stage entertainment / Don B. Wilmeth. Stamp and coin collecting / John Bryant. Television / Robert S. Alley. Trains and railroading / Arthur H. Miller, Jr. Women / Jeanie K. Forte and Katherine Fishburn. Appendix : The study of popular culture / Michael J. Bell