Hippocrates : Jouanna, Jacques : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
- ️Mon Jan 27 2020
xii, 520 pages : 24 cm
"Hippocrates, considered for more than two thousand years the father of medicine, came over time to be credited with a life of mythic proportions and an enormous body of work. In view of Hippocrates' exceptional importance in the history of medicine, it may seem surprising that our knowledge of the life and career of this fifth century B.C. Greek physician should be so incomplete." "Jacques Jouanna contends that a great deal can be concluded about the life and works of Hippocrates. Published to both critical and popular acclaim in France in 1992, Hippocrates reveals a man who was not only the greatest of the ancient physicians but also a philosopher of unrecognized ability and consequence who influenced both Plato and Aristotle; a historian who was the equal of Herodotus and Thucydides as a writer and superior to them in his powers of observation and analysis; and a master of tragical narrative who bears comparison with Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, the great playwrights of the classical period."--Jacket
Includes selections from Hippocrates' works
"Bibliography": pages 481-493
Includes bibliographical references (pages 417-479) and indexes
Hippocrates the Asclepiad (Hippocrates of Cos -- Hippocrates the Thessalian -- Hippocrates and the School of Cos -- Writings in search of an author) -- The physician in the practice of his art (The physician and the public -- The physician and the patient -- The physician and the disease) -- Hippocrates and the thought of his time (Hippocratic rationalism and the divine -- Hippocrates and the birth of the human sciences -- Challenges to medicine and the birth of epistemology -- Medicine in crisis and the reaction against philosophy) -- The granduer and limits of Hippocratism (From observation of the visible to reconstuction of the invisible -- Health, Sickness, and nature -- The legacy of Hippocratism in antiquity)