I'll be your mirror : the selected Andy Warhol interviews : 1962-1987 : Goldsmith, Kenneth : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

  • ️Tue Sep 07 2010

"Thirty-seven conversations with the pop master"--Cover

Includes bibliographical references (p. [402]) and index

"Through the looking-glass" / Reva Wolf -- The sixties -- "Pop art? Is it art? A revealing interview with Andy Warhol" [1962] -- "Warhol interviews Bourdon" / David Bourdon [1962-63] -- "What is pop art? Answers from 8 painters, part I" / G.R. Swenson [1963] -- "Andy Warhol interviewed by a poet" / John Giorno [1963] -- "Pop goes the artist" / Ruth Hirschman [1963] -- "Andy Warhol: interviewed by Gerard Malanga" / Gerard Malanga [1963] -- "Interview with Andy Warhol on Empire" / Gerard Malanga [1964] -- "Andy Warhol on automation: an interview with Gerard Malanga" / Gerard Malanga [1964] -- "An interview with Andy Warhol" / David Ehhrenstein [1965] -- "Pop goes the videotape: an underground interview with Andy Warhol" / Richard Ekstract [1965] -- "USA artists: Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein" / Lane Slate [1966] -- "Andy Warhol: my true story" / Gretchen Berg [1966] -- "Inside Andy Warhol" / Sterling McIlhenny and Peter Ray [1966] -- Untitled interview / Robert Reilly [1966] -- "Andy Warhol interviews Bay Times reporter" / Joseph Freeman [1965] -- "An interview with Andy at the balloon farm" / Unknown German reporter [1966-67] -- "My favorite superstar: notes on my epic. Chelsea Girls" / Gerard Malanga [1966] -- "Andy out west" / Jim Paltridge [1966] -- "Cab ride with Andy Warhol" / Frederick Ted Castle [1967] -- "Andy Warhol" / Joseph Gelmis [1969] -- "We're still all just experimenting" / Roger Netzer, Curtis Roberts [1969] -- The seventies -- "Andy Warhol, movieman: 'it's hard to be your own script'" / Letitia Kent [1970] -- "A conversation with Andy Warhol" / Gerard Malanga [1971] -- "Around Barnett Newman" / Jeanne Siegel [1971] -- "Who is this man Andy Warhol?" / George Gruskin [1973] -- "Andy Warhol's life, loves, art and wavemaking" / Bess Winakor [1975] -- "Factory diary: letter to Man Ray" [1976] -- "Interview: Andy Warhol" / Glenn O'Brien [1977] -- "An interview with Andy Warhol: some say he's the real mayor of New York" / Claire Demers [1977] -- The eighties -- "Dinner with Andy and Bill, February 1980" / Victor Bockris [1980] -- "Modern myths: Andy Warhol" / Barry Blinderman [1981] -- "A shopping spree in Bloomingdale's with Andy Warhol"/ Tracy Brobston [1981] -- "Q & A: Andy Warhol" / Michelle Bogre [1985] -- "An interview with Andy Warhol" / Benjamin H.D. Buchloh [1985] -- "Andy Warhol: an artist and his Amiga" / Guy Wright, Glenn Suokko [1985] -- "Andy Warhol" / Jordon Crandall [1986] -- "The last interview" / Paul Taylor [1987] -- "Warhol's interviews" / Wayne Koestenbaum

"The Q & A interview was one of Andy Warhol's favorite communication vehicles - he even named his own magazine after the form. Yet there has never been a collection of interviews that Warhol himself gave. I'll Be Your Mirror contains thirty-seven conversations revealing the complex mind of one of the most important artists of our time. Spanning 1962-1987, each piece presents a different facet of Warhol's ever-evolving personality." "Poet, editor, and critic Kenneth Goldsmith provides context and provenance for each selection in a piece of cultural history. The collection covers Warhol's work during the '60s with seminal interviews about his famous Campbell's Soup can paintings; his portraits of the grief-stricken Jackie Kennedy; and his powerful Death and Disaster series. As Warhol shifts from painting to filmmaking in the '70s, the interviews explore his emergence as socialite, scene-maker, and trend-setter; the influential Interview magazine; the Studio 54 scene; and in the 80s, his support of young artists like Keith Haring, the growing relationship between technology and art; and finally, his return to religious imagery and spirituality in an interview conducted just months before his death."--BOOK JACKET