Rhetoric/ composition/play through video games : reshaping theory and practice of writing : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
- ️Sat Jul 15 2023
xviii, 239 pages ; 23 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index
The game of Facebook and the end(s) of writing pedagogy / John Alberti, Northern Kentucky University -- The pencil-shaped joystick: a synoptic history of text in digital games / Nate Garrelts, Ferris State University -- Who are you here?: the avatar and the other in video game avatars / Katherine Warren, Western Illinois University -- Developing and extending gaming pedagogy: designing a course as game / Justin Hodgson, University of Texas at Austin -- On second thought ... / Mark Mullen, George Washington University -- Ludic snags / Matthew S. S. Johnson, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Richard Colby, University of Denver -- Metaphor, writer's block, and the Legend of Zelda: a link to the writing process / Benjamin Miller, CUNY -- Drag and drop: teaching our students things we don't already know / Danielle LaVaque-Manty, University of Michigan -- Gender and gaming in a first-year writing class / Rebekah Shultz Colby, University of Denver -- Exploitationware / Ian Bogost, The Georgia Institute of Technology -- Techne as play: three interstices / James Schirmer, University of Michigan (Flint) -- What happens in Goldshire stays in Goldshire: rhetorics of queer sexualities, roleplaying, and fandom in World of Warcraft / Lee Sherlock, Michigan State University -- Grammar interventions in gaming forums: intersections of academic and non-academic standards / Larry Beason, University of South Alabama -- Mr. Moo's first RPG: rules, discussion and the Instructional implications of collective intelligence on the Open Web / Trevor Owens, George Mason University -- Afterword / Debra Journet, University of Louisville