Perspectives on American religion and culture : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
- ️Fri Dec 27 2019
xii, 418 p. ; 26 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index
Historicizing religion in the American West / Laurie Maffly-Kipp -- Religious innovation at the edges / Stephen J. Stein -- Diversity and the pluralist ideal / William R. Hutchinson -- Pluralism and American religious life in the later twentieth century / Charles H. Lippy -- Anglican tradition in colonial Virginia / David L. Holmes -- Puritan legacy in American religion and culture / Amanda Porterfield -- Religion and the culture of the market in early New England / Mark Valeri -- Early American Methodism / Russell E. Richey -- Synagogues and the 'spiritual depression' in the 1930s / Beth Wenger -- Shifting ground and the third transformation of Mormonism / Philip L. Barlow -- American Catholics in the twentieth century / Mary Jo Weaver -- Architecture and urban revivalism in nineteenth-century America / Jeanne Halgren Kilde -- Postmodern sites of Catholic sacred materiality / Leonard Norman Primiano -- Food and eating in American religious cultures / Daniel Sack -- Fasting, dieting, and the body in American Christianity / R. Marie Griffith -- Bible and serpent-handling / Bill J. Leonard --Race and religion in nineteenth-century America / Joan L. Bryant -- Rise of African-American evangelicalism in American culture / Albert G. Miller -- Religion and culture change in native North America / Michael D. McNally -- Reform, gender and the boundaries of American Judaism / Karla Goldman -- Women and Protestantism in nineteenth-century America / Carolyn Haynes -- Religious individualism in nineteenth-century American families / Anne C. Rose -- Jonathan Edwards on the relation between hypocrisy and the religious life / Ava Chamberlain --Connecticut culture of revivalism / Mary Kupiec Cayton -- Trust and confidence in American religious history / Leigh Eric Schmidt -- Religion of humanity in Victorian America / Lawrence W. Snyder, Jr. -- American Catholic culture in the twentieth century / Paula M Kane