Principles of environmental science : inquiry and applications : Cunningham, William P : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

  • ️Sat Oct 13 2018

xvii, 424 pages : 28 cm

Includes index

Understanding our environment. Understanding our environment ; Science as a way of knowing ; Thinking about thinking ; A brief history of conservation and environmentalism ; Current environmental conditions ; Human dimensions of environmental science -- Principles of ecology : matter, energy, and life. Principles of matter and energy ; The building blocks of earth and life ; Sunlight : energy for life ; Energy and matter in the environment ; Biogeochemical cycles and life processes -- Populations, communities, and species interaction. Who lives where, and why? ; Species interactions ; Population dynamics ; Community properties ; Communities in transition -- Human populations. Population growth ; Limits to growth : some opposing views ; Human demography ; Population growth : opposing factors ; Demographic transition ; Family planning and fertility control ; The future of human population -- Biomes and biodiversity. Biomes ; Biodiversity ; How do we benefit from biodiversity? ; What threatens biodiversity? ; Human-caused reductions in biodiversity ; Protecting biodiversity -- Environmental conservation : forests, grasslands, parks, and nature preserves. World forests ; Rangelands ; Parks and nature preserves ; World parks and preserves ; Wilderness areas ; Wildlife refuges -- Food and agriculture. Nutrition and food supplies ; Major food sources ; Soil : a renewable resource ; Ways we use and abuse soil ; Other agricultural resources ; New crops and genetic engineering ; Sustainable agriculture -- Environmental health and toxicology. Types of environmental health hazards ; Movement, distribution, and fate of toxins ; Mechanisms for minimizing toxic effects ; Measuring toxicity ; Risk assessment and acceptance ; Establishing public policy -- Air : climate and pollution. The atmosphere and climate ; Climate change ; Climate and air pollution ; Interactions between climate processes and air pollution ; Effects of air pollution ; Air pollution control ; Clean air legislation ; Current conditions and future prospects -- Water : resources and pollution. Water resources ; Major water compartments ; Water availability and use ; Freshwater shortages ; Water management and conservation ; Water pollution ; Water quality today ; Pollution control ; Water legislation -- Environmental geology and earth resources. A dynamic planet ; Minerals and rocks ; Economic geology and mineralogy ; Environmental effects of resource extraction ; Conserving geologic resources ; Geologic hazards -- Energy. Energy sources and uses ; Fossil fuels ; Nuclear power ; Energy conservation ; Solar energy ; Fuel cells ; Biomass ; Energy from the earth's forces ; What's our energy future? -- Solid and hazardous waste. Waste ; Waste-disposal methods ; Shrinking the waste stream ; Hazardous and toxic wastes -- Sustainability and human development. Sustainability and resources ; Cost-benefit analysis and natural resource accounting ; Trade and development ; Green business and green design ; Urban development and sustainable cities ; Urban problems in developing countries -- Environmental science and policy. Making decisions in an uncertain world ; Environmental education ; Environmental policy ; Environmental law ; International treaties and conventions ; Dispute resolution and community-based planning ; Citizen participation ; Collective action