Rervm anglicarvm scriptores post Bedam praecipvi : William, of Malmesbury, ca. 1090-1143 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
- ️Fri Jan 28 2011
Printer's device on the title page
Head pieces and initials
Dedicatory epistle signed: Henricvs Savile
Signatures: ², A-R, S, T-Z, Aa-Dd, Ee, Ff-Zz,Aaa-Zzz, Aaaa-Rrrr, Ssss, *-**, ***, A-H², P¹¹¹ numb.O¹¹¹, Qq¹¹¹ numb Q³)
Errors in foliation: 18 numb. 14, 118-22 numb. 112-18, 170 numb. 171,203 numb. 204, 336 numb. 326, 380 numb. 374, 459 numb. 458, 470 numb 469
The work attributed to Ingulf is a forgery of the 14th century
Each work has a separate title page with the title within anarchitechtonic border
1. William, of Malmesbury, d. 1143? Willielmi Monachi MalmesburiensisDe Gestis Regum Anglorum, Libri Quinque... 2. Henry of Hintingdom, 1084?-1155.Henrici Archidiaconi Huntindoniensis Historiarvm libri octo... 3. Hoveden,Roger of, d. 1201: Rogeri de Hoveden Annalivm Pars prior, & posterior... 4.Ethelwerd, d. 998? Chronicorvm Ethelweri libri IIII. Ingvlphi AbbatisCroylandensis Historiarum..
Bound in gilt tooled brown morocco by Sangorski & Sutcliffe