Seize the high ground :the Army in space and missile defense /by James Walker, Lewis Bernstein, Sharon Lang : [Washington, D.C.] :[Center of Military History] : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
- ️Tue May 10 2016
"Historical Office, U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command."
Shipping list no.: 2005-0078-P
Includes bibliographical references (pages 257-276)
A historical perspective of missile defense and space -- Aircraft, rockets, missiles and radar, 1907-1961 -- Rockets, communications and deploying ballistic missile defense, 1958-1975 -- Communications, sensors, maintaining interest in missile defense and the Strategic Defense Initiative, 1970-1989 -- Renewed interest in space and the War in the Persian Gulf, 1985-1991 -- New ideas about space and missile defense after the war, 1991-1997 -- The Army's newest major command and a different tack on space and missile defense organizations, 1995-present
"[Seize the high ground is a] narrative history of the Army's aerospace experience from the 1950s to the present. The focus is on ballistic missile defense, from the early NIKE-HERCULES missile program through the SAFEGUARD acquisition site allowed by the 1972 ABM Treaty to the more advanced 'Star Wars' concepts studies toward the end of the century. [What is] covered is not only the technological response to the threat but the organizational and tactical development of the commands and units responsible for the defense mission"--CMH website
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