Unthinkable : Iran, the Bomb, and American strategy : Pollack, Kenneth M. (Kenneth Michael), 1966- author : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

  • ️Sun May 27 2018

xxii, 536 pages : 24 cm

Examines Iran's current nuclear potential while charting America's future course of action, recounting the prolonged clash between both nations to outline options for American policymakers

Includes bibliographical references (pages 429-512) and index

Coming to the crossroads -- Reality and hyperbole. Iran from the inside out ; The Iranian nuclear program ; The threat of a nuclear Iran ; Proliferation -- Prevention. Setting the scene ; Bigger carrots, bigger sticks ; Regime change ; The Sword of David ; A return to arms -- Containment. The strategy that dare not speak its name ; Deterrence and extended deterrence ; The problem of containment ; Making containment work -- Choosing the least bad option

Examines Iran's current nuclear potential while charting America's future course of action, recounting the prolonged clash between both nations to outline options for American policymakers