Nature : Lockyer, Norman, Sir, 1836-1920. edt : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
- ️Fri Jan 29 2010
"International weekly journal of science"--Cover
Founded and for many years edited by Sir J.N. Lockyer
Latest issue consulted: Vol. 359, no. 6393 (24 Sept. 1992)
Chemical abstracts
CD-ROM and print supplements accompany many numbers
Vol. 229-246, Jan. 1971-Dec. 1973, issued in three parts. The two new parts, Nature: new biology, and Nature: physical sciences, continued the volume numbering of Nature in addition to carrying their own issue numbering. With vol. 246, Dec. 1973, Nature: new biology, and Nature: physical sciences, ceased publication and were absorbed by Nature
Beginning in 1994 complemented by Nature structural biology, which consists of articles on structural biology for a more specialist audience
Editorially independent from the journal Nature cell biology, but shares with that journal referees' comments on submitted articles, May 1999-
SERBIB/SERLOC merged record
ACQN: aq 94012357
The gutter is too tight, so some texts are running into the gutter and running of the pages.