::: Star Insight :::

Guru Griho
From Brahmanbaria
"Annada Govt High School" Light More Light

Md. Mansur Ali

Brahmanbaria, adorned with natural beauties, is an advanced district particularly in education and cultural heritage. It is the birth place of many poets, prominent politicians and eminent artists. Many government and non Government educaional institutions are imparting the light of education here to build an enlightened society. Among the secondayr schools, Annada Government high school deserves the highest position in all respects, specially with regard to the results of S.S.C Examination and junior scholarship Examination, Scouting and BNCC.

The school lies in the heart of the town. It is the biggest and the oldest school in Brahmanbaria district having a vast field, a school hostel and a gymnasium. The school carries a long & glorious history. It was 1860 when the school first came into existence with the name of Aided Anglo Vernacular school. Afterwards, when the necessity was felt to upgrade it into a High school, Annada Prasad Roy Bahadur of Cassimbazar and respectable zamindar of Sarail Estate undertook the responsibility for the development of the school in 1875. The school really evolved in its complete form in 1875.

The founding Headmaster of this school was Babu Jogesh Chandra Sarker. He was a versatile genius. Afterwards, many learned Headmasters like Babu Binode Bihary Deb, Babu Kshintin Kukharjee, Babu Mahin Chandra Paul, Mr. Mahibullah and Mr. Nurul Huda had embellished the chair of the Headmaster. Here we can boastfully mention that Babu Binode Bihari was a student of Annada govt high school. He stood first in the matriculation Examination held under the Kolkata University.

The school has been imparting education and producing many eminent scholars from the beginning till today. Many prominent persons who had either worked or are still working in the important and highest positions of the State are the alumni of Annada Govt High school. To mention only a few: only Dr. Wahiduddin Mahmud, a renowned economist and a past member of our of Caretaker government, Mr. Sanaul Haque, an eminent poet and former Secretary, Mohammad Harun or Rashid, former Professor and Head of the department of English Jahangirnagar Univirsity, and Advocate Humayun Kabir, former State Minister for health, are the alumni of this school.

The school was nationalised on May 1, 1968 by the then government. From the beginning and till now the school has been acheiving the best result in both the SSC Examination and the junior scholarship Examination.

This year 90% of the examinees passed in the SSC Examination. 54 students secured GPA-5 in the SSC Examination and 50 students obtained junior scholarship. The school has been placed in the eighth position in Comilla, BISE. The school achieved the credit to be the best school in 2003. Mr. Uttam Kumar Roy, an assistant teacher, obtained the place of the best teacher in 2004. Mr. Mansur Ali, an assistant teacher, went o Australia for participating in a one month overseas training programme held in Melbourne University. Consequently the school has been selected as a 'Lead school' for implementing SBA (School-Based-Assesment) system.

The present Headmaster, Mr Ali Akkas Patwary, joined this school on 19th September 2005. After his joining the school has got a momentum in administration. He restored discipline in all respects. He has taken stern steps for solving some problems that the school was facing. One of the crucial problems has been admission. Inspite of its being a single shifted school, it has 2250 students. Every section of a class consists of 160 students. Due to the large number of students in a class, teaching-learning activities cannot run smoothly. However, Mr Ali Akkas Patwary has managed to control irregular procedings in admission system. He has admitted only sixty students per section of class six through an Admission Test. For this the Headmaster has to manage tackle many awkward situations relating to admission.

However, at present twentyfive highly qualified teachers are imparting education under the dynamic leadership and good governance of the Headmaster. The Headmaster says, If there is no unexpected interference in our admission as well as administration work, we hope that we will be able to retain the past glory of the school intact and uphold our reputation with our earnest efforts.

Copyright (R) 2006