Puppet - SummerKnight717 - Marvel Cinematic Universe [Archive of Our Own]
- ️Organization for Transformative Works
- ️Sun Oct 02 2022
Tony Stark loves parties. Always has.
He straightened up a bit after what he calls his Afghanistan induced early mid life crisis, but he would have to be literally dead to tire of parties.
Maybe not even then – he likes Thor’s description of Valhalla, and really hopes being bash buddies with a couple of Norse gods would qualify him for a ticket there when the time comes.
His concessions to Pepper’s and Steve’s mother henning includes keeping his drinks and other mind altering substances to a JARVIS mediated limit, keeping one night stands to zero (he had severely disagreed with this till that time he ended up in bed with a literal banshee that wanted to suck out his life) and keeping whoever has pulled the Avenger Watch duty at the Tower updated with his whereabouts.
So, it should come as no surprise that he is currently in a very good, if somewhat drunk, mood.
The conference he was attending was, obviously, boring as hell (though the standing ovations after his talk had been fun…) but the after party makes up for it.
In fact, he is pleasantly surprised that the old fogeys organizing the conference in question had the taste to organize this part of it. Unfortunately, he is not surprised enough to be suspicious.
So, when his pretty red headed dancing partner throws her arms around his neck, his only response is to clutch her closer to him – till he feels the slight prick of the needle.
And by then, of course, it is too late.
“How the hell did this happen?” Coulson demands. “Who was supposed to be on Tony duty – sorry, monitor duty – yesterday?”
One of the junior SHIELD agents steps forward, trying not to tremble. He’s resolutely not looking at Black Widow and Hawkeye flanking Coulson. “I’m sorry, sir. He kept updating, the suit signals were dormant – but I figured it was normal, given he had mentioned being at a party…”
Clint swears viciously, prompting the rookie to stumble back.
Coulson knows he can’t really blame the baby agent. Whoever actually sent the updates mimicked Tony’s voice well enough to fool SHIELD voice recognition technology.
Can’t blame junior for not realizing that Tony Stark is constitutionally unable to get through a three sentence conversation without a pun or snark of some kind. Even if he’s drunk. Especially if he is drunk.
“We checked the hotel he was staying in” another agent confirmed “He’s not there, nor are the trackers in the suit functional. It looks like a confirmed abduction, sir.”
Of course it will. It isn’t like the Avengers and their harried super nanny can have one week off without a crisis – no, that’ll be too much to ask for. Sometimes, Coulson really hates his life.
The Avengers are not detectives. But all have their own sources, and all have favors they can call in. At the moment, Tony is the most wanted man on the planet, and every source they got is on the lookout.
Thor, unfortunately, is not available - events on Asgard has demanded his presence, and the team has no way to communicate with him.
“Any idea why?” Bruce asks, perched in front of one of the monitors.
They might possibly be able to get a trace on Tony through the rare metals worked into the armor – assuming the armor and Tony are in close proximity.
“There are only too many reasons to kidnap Tony Stark” Steve points out “Afraid we can rule out the usual one – money. We’d have gotten a ransom demand by now.”
“And I don’t think anyone is going to risk forcing him to build a weapon, after what happened last time” Natasha comments.
“Leverage” Rhodey muses “But then, they’d have already made a demand… Unless they made it to SHIELD – and Fury is keeping quiet.”
Natasha shakes her head, gesturing at the tablet computer in her hand “Tony’s not the only one who can hack into SHIELD – I’ve been monitoring them since we got the news. They’ve put the cards on the table this time.”
That left the one possibility as the most plausible.
“Revenge” Pepper said softly.
There’s little point going down that path now, so Steve tries to steer the conversation into a more productive route “We can narrow down the possibilities – whoever it was could fool SHIELD voice recognition. That means SHIELD equivalent tech.”
“HYDRA” Natasha declares “Or AIM.”
In the end, all the effort they put into tracking and detective work turns out to have been redundant. The abductors has no intention of concealing their identity or motive.
The news channels and SHIELD liaisons realize what is going on at pretty much the same time, much to the Director’s rage.
In the Tower, it is Clint who sees it first on CNN, even before Phil phones in the news. “Holy…”
It is fast. That is the best thing that can be said of it.
The actual attack lasts only for two minutes, three seconds, though of course the news networks would be playing the video on loop for hours straight. Till the next video comes in.
The team can only watch in horror as the Iron Man suit appears over SHIELD’s German branch headquarters. The HQ of course has its own defenses, but they are of little use.
At the first sight of what is going on, they are scrambling to the quinjet, but it is over before they are strapped in.
The building has been reduced to ash and rubble. And bones. So many charred bones.
Then the armor is gone, as abruptly as it appeared, but not before a camera catches a glimpse of the deathly pale face within it.
The team gathered around the meeting table remains uncharacteristically quiet. Not even Clint is capable of making a wisecrack. Not after what they just saw.
“We’ve got some readings from the border defenses” Coulson opens the briefing “Yes, it is Tony. No, the suit is not in his control. It is being remotely manipulated.”
“Whoever’s got him is playing puppets” Rhodey curses.
“Not whoever” Coulson sighs “HYDRA. They just sent us a message – well, more like a boast. JARVIS, if you will…”
The AI obeys wordlessly , and the screen behind the agent reveals a harsh, smug face.
“Greetings” the voice is unnervingly polite “I believe you are by now aware of the new weapon we have requisitioned. I assume you are awaiting demands – ransom, prisoner release, etc. unfortunately, we are fully aware of SHIELD policy. You do not bargain with hostage takers. A sound policy, no doubt, but awkward under our circumstances. Fortunately, we do not intend to make a bargain. This? This is revenge. This is our demonstration, not just to you, but to the world at large, that you are nothing but puppets. SHIELD, Avengers, whoever you are fool enough to throw at us. Mere puppets.”
There is more of the message, but it is mostly repetitive gloating.
Steve grips the pen in his hand so tightly that it snaps in half. He doesn’t notice. Natasha has one of her knives out and is polishing it in a carefully casual manner.
Bruce’s face is hidden in his hands, and Steve keeps an eye on his complexion. No trace of green, at least not yet.
“They want to put on a show” Coulson says at last “It is not just about damage – they can do more with the suit. It is about showing the world what they can – and will – do”
Standard terrorist tactics. Undermine the world’s trust in its defenders. Have them running scared.
The next couple of weeks are an utter nightmare.
HYDRA is careful with their new toy. The locations they strike are so random that even an algorithm can’t predict it accurately. It is not about damage, or taking out the most strategic locations.
It’s about spreading terror. It is about having the world live in dread of death roaring down from the skies at any moment. It’s about letting the Avengers know that one of their own is held helpless, at the HYDRA’s mercy.
“They’ve stopped factoring in non lethal takedowns” Natasha says quietly, no emotion in her tone.
“You mean they fucking decided to kill him?” Clint demands.
“They don’t have much of a choice” Coulson points out.
The group has to admit that is true, at any rate. The Iron Man suit is a weapon of mass destruction. There is little limit to the damage it can do. They need it down. ASAP.
It is not that SHIELD wants to take Tony Stark down with it – it is that they may well have to. They, or another of the agencies on the alert.
Only, there is no chance even for that. There is no time to scramble their resources to get to the location before the suit is gone.
“So long…” Pepper shudders.
“We got a reading on his vital signs” Phil puts in “He is conscious and healthy – at least, physically. They are keeping him alive and well”
“They want him to see what is happening” Steve says.
“So the good news is that Tony is alive and well inside the suit” Clint muses “And the bad news is that Tony is alive and well inside the suit – and getting a front row seat to what they are making it do.”
“They have brainwashing techniques. But it doesn’t look like they’re using it. They want him to know.”
“He’s going to need serious help once we get him back”
Steve’s voice is quiet, but there is the assurance in it, the determination that they will indeed get him back. The other option is not an option. At all.
They get the much needed break. At last.
Coulson won’t talk about exactly how they managed to get the information, but they have a lock on where the HYDRA is keeping Tony.
“Siberia?” Steve blinks. “Why the-“
“Russian territory, plenty of bunkers, plenty of empty space to give them warning if someone comes looking. He’s in one of their bunkers down there.”
The plans are laid. It is not going to be easy. Or even plausible. But then again, that is the Avengers kind of mission.
“Confined space” Steve declares “We have to get to Tony down there – before they can get the armor up in air. The suit is in its element in the open. Make sure the confrontation happens in the bunker.”
“They will have guards” Phil outlines the structure “Our information suggests this area will be the best option to make entry. However, it will take Avengers level force to get us through their people.”
“You’ve got it”
The plan is going to be complicated. Of course there are only too many arguments.
The longest one happens when they are deciding what should happen if it turns out only one of them can get through HYDRA’s wall of goons and into the bunker to face Tony.
“It has to be me” Steve states firmly.
Rhodey raises an eyebrow “Is this some guilt thing? Tony wasn’t taken under your watch, Steve.”
“Not guilt” Steve shrugs off that argument.
“Then? I’d say it is pretty much an easy decision – Iron Man armor vs War Machine.”
Steve sighs “I wish we could do it that way, but no. You know as well as I do – probably better – the kind of firepower the armors pack. The way we expect this scenario to go, there will be a battle going on above the bunker, and within it as well. The War Machine armor is well matched with Iron Man – too well matched. Even if both of you do survive, an all out battle there is going to bring in too much collateral damage. They might even have the armor set off self destruct if it looks like you are winning.”
The others exchange glances. As always, Steve’s point makes sense. But none of them like where it leads.
“And if you go in?”
“I have no armor. Only the shield. They will not see it worthwhile to waste much firepower on me. Besides…well, this is HYDRA we are talking about – they have history with me. They’ll want to…play a while instead of just vaporizing me or something.”
“They do have a tendency to underestimate opponents” Coulson agrees reluctantly “But assuming it works…”
“I can get close enough for hand to hand. Close enough to shut the suit down – they wouldn’t dream of needing the self destruct against an unarmored opponent.”
Maybe he can do it, but everyone present knows only too well what the Iron Man armor can do – and what the HYDRA would do to Captain America if given the chance. But Steve’s logic makes sense. This is their best chance…
Tony is not sure how long it has been. or how much longer it will last. His best hope is that one of the people he attacks will at last have enough firepower – or just plain luck – to take him down.
He knows that the others are looking for him, that they will keep looking for him. But he can no longer find comfort in that idea.
Yes, they will keep looking for him. They might even find him, hell, they probably will. This is the Avengers you’re talking about. Of course they will find him. But when they do…They will hesitate, he knows that.
They won’t go for the kill. Not with him inside the armor. That, he knows, is exactly why he is still alive. One moment’s hesitation will be enough.
He has long since left off hoping that they will find him – now he hopes they never will. That it will be something impersonal, some unnamed shield agent, some unrevealed superweapon, that strikes the final blow.
It shouldn’t have to be one of the team. One of his friends.
They shouldn’t have to do that – especially since he is sure Nat is the only one who would be able to live with something like that, and even with her, he’s not entirely sure.
The cell he’s held in is mostly sound proof. So is the bunker. That is why he has little clue what is happening before the armor starts moving.
He has (dammit) started getting used to that part of it – the thing moving around him, ignoring his own will, ignoring every attempt to modify or reprogram it. Where are they sending him now?
He used to have a pretty good time sense, but that is all gone now. Maybe it’s morning already. They do their strikes in broad daylight – they want everyone to see what is happening. What Iron Man is doing.
Tony closes his eyes, preparing for the inevitable blastoff, the equally inevitable blood and screams and ashes, and prays once more that today someone will get a lucky shot in.
The armor comes to a stop more abruptly than he thought it would. He feels the repulsors firing up, and opens startled eyes.
For an instant, he believes he is still asleep and having a nightmare. Because yes, this is definitely one of the scenarios that have populated his many nightmares since he was taken.
“Tony” Steve is standing there, standing right before him, Steve with that damn shield of his and no armor. “I don’t know if you can hear me, but if you can, we are here, okay? We’re getting you out of here.”
“GET AWAY!” Tony screams, not sure whether or not the armor’s sound filters will shut it out or not. “Steve, run!”
Steve smiles. He heard, yes, but he’s of-fucking-course not going to run, damn you, Steve, you can’t-
“We’re rescuing you” Steve promises, just as the armor’s arm cannons come up.
Tony feels the recoil of the blast. He screams a warning, but of course, the shot travels fast, too fast… So does the shield.
Steve blocks the blast, deflects it away, leaving a section of the wall burnt away. He darts forward, diving under the shots to get closer.
What the hell does he think he’s doing? Run! Please, Steve, run!
Tony knows exactly what the armor is doing, what weapon systems are in use.
The controllers – they are not in this bunker, he knows that much – are not going directly for the kill. There are weapons in the suit that can vaporize Steve, unarmored as he is. That will be too quick for them. They want their long time foe to meet a more brutal end.
“The others are outside, Tony” Steve somehow manages to spare enough breath for talking, even while dodging the armor “SHIELD is outside. We know what they did to you.”
If SHIELD is outside, why didn’t you send them in? Why didn’t you send literally anyone but your idiot hero self in? Oh God, Steve, if I kill you… If they make me kill you…
Intellectually, Tony knows that he is not going to find a way to hack the suit and retake control in the next couple of minutes given he hasn’t managed it in the last couple of weeks, but he has to try.
He can’t help but try, even if he knows it will be useless, because there is nothing else he can do except watch himself murder Steve.
“We were looking for you” Steve deflects another laser blast, this one aimed right at his face, aimed to take his head off if it had hit, with the shield “I am sorry we couldn’t find you sooner. We were searching, I promise. I’m sorry it took so long.”
Doesn’t he have any fucking weapon? Did they actually send him in with only that shield of his? Tony winces at the strength of the blows the armor lands. Strong enough to dent concrete when they miss.
Steve doesn’t mange to dodge or deflect all the blows. That would be too much to expect, even from their super soldier. He doesn’t cry out, though, he doesn’t slow down.
It is Tony who cries out, as each blow rains down on his friend. Steve does land hits of his own – he is trying to dismantle the suit. He is succeeding to some degree (damn, the guy is strong…) but not fast enough.
And he is taking damage, too much damage. Within the suit, Tony can’t literally feel bones crack under iron fists, but he knows what it is doing to Steve. Blood, oh God, so much blood, Steve, please just…
“Don’t worry about me, Tony!” he calls out as if he can read Tony’s mind “I can do this all day.”
He will, too, Tony knows. He will fight as long as it takes…or till his heart stops.
Then, of course, the inevitable happens.
There is a laser blast Steve is not quite fast enough to deflect. It doesn’t hit him head on, it’d have torn his head off if it had, but it is enough to knock him off balance, knock him to the ground.
Tony screams his name. Steve is still conscious, still trying to get up, but the armor is there first, kicking him, kicking him in the ribs and the head, kicking him as he curls up to avoid the metal boots.
Tony can see the blood – and bones, oh God, are those bones? Bits of skull? – splatter on the ground. He can see Steve’s struggles weaken.
“No” Tony keeps muttering inside the suit “No, no, not Steve, please, please let me be dreaming, please…”
Steve, even battered as he is, moves too swift for Tony to see. His hand wraps around the metallic foot, yanking the suit off balance. The suit – and Tony within it – goes crashing to the ground.
Now that he can see him close up, Steve looks even worse, his mask and what little of his skin shows underneath it coated in blood, the rest of his face paper pale.
The armor still fires, but the aiming system is off, having taken a hit from the shield already. The shot goes mostly wild. Steve dodges the worst of it, but he’s too close to escape fully.
The shield flashes in his arms again. Tony can’t help but wince as it is suddenly brought down towards his face. Vibranium shield. Supersoldier strength, boosted with adrenaline.
The armor’s faceplate cracks. The armor is still fighting him, still hitting him, but Steve is tearing the faceplate off, unsealing the armor.
Outside air rushes in for what seems the first time in centuries, and even under the circumstances, the relief is immense. The air isn’t cold, not what you’d expect in a Siberian bunker.
The momentary relief fades as, without the sound filter of the armor functioning, he can hear Steve’s tortured gasps for breath more clearly, he can see just how close Steve is to folding. Tony wants to call out to him, but his mouth is dry with horror, and what, what can he really say?
Steve catches his eye and smiles through all the blood “I’m shutting the suit down, Tony”
The shield is sent crashing down again, this time onto the arc reactor. The armor is too strong for Tony to actually feel the impact, but he can hear it crack.
Once again, there is a moment where he dazedly wonders just how strong Steve actually is. But then again, even regular humans get lift-cars-off-your-kids strength when adrenaline is pumping fast enough, so what will it do for a super soldier?
The suit splutters, sparks.
Then, finally, mercifully, the metallic limbs freeze, dropping to the ground. The arc reactor is down. The suit is now no more than a metal shell.
The suit is down. HYDRA’s latest weapon is down. Tony stares at Steve, hardly daring to believe it just happened. The suit is down. The control is gone. The shield drops from Steve’s hands.
“Cap…Steve…” Tony’s voice is hoarse, choked.
Steve manages a worn smile, one hand going to the ear piece he’s wearing.
“Home free, Phil” Tony can’t hear what they’re saying on the other side, but sees Steve struggling to stay coherent enough to answer “Yes. The suit is down. He’s…not hurt. I think. Tony…”
“I’m okay” Tony answers. Well, he is physically okay, and that is all the med team – or the security force – out there needs to know.
Steve nods, tries to relay the information to Coulson or whoever it is outside, but the blood loss is finally getting to him and his arms drop limply to his sides.
“Tony, I…”
“Steve!” Tony tries to catch him as he collapses, but the armor is too heavy with the power gone, too heavy and too clumsy.
Tony can get out of an unpowered or broken armor. They have practiced for that scenario often enough. He’s never been able to get out fast enough to suit a combat scenario, but he can make it out, given time.
The usual time is five minutes. But now his hands seem to have gone suddenly clumsy, traitorous. It takes him almost ten minutes. And the SHIELD medics still hasn’t arrived.
His heart almost stops when he sees Steve’s eyes are open, glassy, amid all the blood.
“Steve!” he wants to scream the name, but all that comes out is a moan. “Steve, don’t, oh God, don’t, Steve…”
He fumbles for the ear piece communicator “Coulson! Coulson or whoever the fuck is there!”
“Tony?” Coulson’s usually irritatingly calm tone stammers a bit “Tony, are you-“
“Get your medics here! “
“Are you still in your suit?”
Tony can’t believe Coulson is doing this
“No! the suit is scrap metal, the arc reactor is down, and Captain America is bleeding out here! Where are you? Why the hell did you send him alone?” Tony realizes he is sobbing, but can’t stop “Dammit, Phil, help him!”
“We are on our way” Coulson promises “We are fighting our way through, Tony. It is harder going than we expected. Too many booby traps.”
“Aren’t you listening? Steve is hurt! He’s… he may be dying, Phil!”
“We are making all the speed we can, Tony”
He knows Phil is doing all he can, that he cares as much for Steve as any of the Avengers does, but right now he can’t help but burn with hatred for the agent.
“How bad is it, Tony?” Coulson demands.
“How bad d’you think it’s going to be when an unarmored guy goes hand to hand with Iron Man?”
Tony takes a deep breath, trying to stem the rising panic
“Skull fracture – blood all over his face, eyes dilated. Ribs cracked, if not broken. Repulsor blasts grazed head and chest, burns, blood loss…He’s breathing, but just barely…” his numb fingers fumble at Steve’s wrists “Pulse erratic, weakening… Oh God, Steve, don’t, don’t you dare die on me…”
Steve blinks, trying to focus “T…Tony?”
“I’m here, Steve. Help is coming, okay? Hold on. Just hold on. Please.”
“Okay! Not a scratch on me”
A few cuts and bruises, yes, but he is barely feeling them, and given the condition Steve is in…
“Okay” Steve echoes, a sleepy smile on his face “You’re okay…We made it…”
Tony’s fingers are still on his wrist, and he can feel the slowing pulse
“Hold on” he pleads “Steve, please, please stay with me, will you? I killed too many, Steve. Please, not you too, please..”
That seems to startle Steve back into awareness “You didn’t!”
Steve is struggling to breathe, struggling to stay awake, but his eyes are suddenly clearer, more aware “Not you. It wasn’t you. HYDRA killed them, not you.”
“Steve, I…”
“We know. It was not you. Whatever happened, it’s not on you. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”
It is costing Steve everything he has to go on talking, his breath coming in shorter, more agonized gasps.
Tony, choked with sobs, almost doesn’t manage to speak “Don’t talk, Steve. You’ve got to rest. Stay quiet.”
Steve’s eyes meet and hold his “Promise me”
“Promise me…It’s not you – don’t, don’t think the other way, don’t… Tony, promise you won’t…”
“Only if you stay with me”
“That’s the deal, Rogers” Tony blinks away the tears blurring his sight “Stay with me. Live. Then I’ll keep that promise.”
Steve chuckles weakly. There is blood on his lips. He might have tried to answer, but his eyes roll back in his head. He goes limp in Tony’s arms, and no plea can call him back.
Waking up is slow, more like rising from death than from sleep. Sounds are the first to return, sounds and the sense of touch.
There is pain, but still thankfully dulled – SHIELD medics have finally come up with painkillers that work with super soldier metabolism.
The noises are quiet, muffled. Hospital noises. Soft blankets. An IV in his arm. Someone’s hand enveloping his own, clutching it like a lifeline.
A familiar voice, but with a very unfamiliar note of fear and uncertainty in it. It takes him a little while to make sense of the words.
To be honest, he wasn’t really expecting to be waking up at all. They knew that was a risk- whoever went into single combat against the Iron Man armor, the armor with HYDRA’s ruthlessness behind it, stood a higher than 75% chance of death.
That was another reason, in addition to collateral damage, why he had been against Rhodey taking point.
Rhodey has been Tony’s friend far longer than Steve. If it came to that, Steve’s death would be easier for Tony to get over. Or so the Captain honestly believes.
Tony has been talking for a while, but now he must have spotted a change, a flicker of the eyelids or a twitch of the hand held in his. His voice comes to a startled halt, then changes in tone.
“Steve? Steve, can you hear me?”
He doesn’t want to wake up fully, not just yet. He’s still so tired, the pain just hovering at the edge of awareness. But Tony sounds so…lost. Terrified.
Steve manages to force his eyes open. “Tony?”
It takes a moment or two for Tony’s face to come into focus. He looks, to not put too fine a point on it, like death warmed over. Pale, bedraggled, eyes red from tears or lack of sleep or most probably both.
Steve can’t be sure just how long he’s been out, but it’s only too obvious that Tony has been keeping vigil throughout.
“Hi, Cap” Tony tries for a smile “You with us?”
“I…think so. How long was I…?”
“It’s been a week” Tony answers “You were awake a couple of times earlier, but, not…Well, you wouldn’t remember.”
“You’re… How are you doing?”
It’s only too plain that Tony is far from okay, but that is only to be expected, given what he’s been through. The question makes him wince
“I? I’m fine. Legally in the clear – SHIELD’s got enough readings to prove it. Of course, a few folk out there calling for my head, but that’s nothing new. Everyone on our team made it out of the fight mostly in one piece. Coulson’s guys wiped out the HYDRA nest after-“
That’s as far as Tony can get before tears choke him “Dammit, Steve, why… Just that stupid shield of yours, not even a gun, and just…”
“I did have a gun.” He isn’t suicidal, whatever a furious agent Coulson may have to say of the matter “One modified to be able to take out the arc reactor. But fighting my way through… Lost it. Idiotic of me.”
One of the HYDRA guys had been smart enough to recognize the weapon for what it was – and smart enough to send a call over comm. frequencies to somehow, anyhow, get the weapon away. Steve had tried his best, but in the end, had to improvise.
Thank heavens Tony had finally been persuaded to get the shrapnel out of his chest, because if not…Steve doesn’t want to think of that. He has lost too many friends already. Tony doesn’t respond, his shoulders shaking with silent sobs.
“I thought…Back there, in the bunker, you…you were…”
“Tony” Steve manages to make his voice firm, keep his focus “I kept my part of the deal.”
That makes Tony blink, startled. Then he gets it.
“Can’t renege on a deal” Steve reminds him “Bad for business.”
“I leave all the business part to Pepper” Tony counters, but there is a ghost of a smile on his face. They might just be able to hold Tony to his half of this deal, at least.