Accident Northrop T-38A Talon , Monday 19 February 1962

  • ️Harro Ranter

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Date:Monday 19 February 1962
Type:Silhouette image of generic T38 model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Northrop T-38A Talon
Owner/operator:United States Air Force - USAF
Fatalities:Fatalities: 1 / Occupants: 2
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Destroyed
Location:3 mi W of Big Springs, TX -   United States of America
Phase: Unknown
Departure airport:Webb AFB, TX
Destination airport:
Confidence Rating: Information is only available from news, social media or unofficial sources

Crashed. One killed and other injured.
Fuel exhaustion in traffic pattern. Instructor survived,student lost. Pilot error


The Daily News-Telegram 19 FEB 1962, p1
T-38 instructor at Webb at time of accident

Revision history:

09-Mar-2022 20:41 TB Added
03-Jan-2025 08:06 Anon. Updated [Source, Narrative, ]