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Players born in Pompei

Player Age Club
Danilo Russo
37 years Juve Stabia Juve Stabia
Andrea Gallo
Midfield - Central Midfield
27 years AZ Picerno AZ Picerno
Michele Di Prisco
Midfield - Central Midfield
30 years
Felice Evacuo
Striker - Centre-Forward
42 years
Davide Evacuo
Striker - Centre-Forward
37 years Scafatese Scafatese
Luigi Rizzo
Defence - Left-Back
28 years AC Sant'Antonio Abate AC Sant'Antonio Abate
Nicola La Mura
Defence - Right-Back
28 years
Luciano Palladino
Striker - Centre-Forward
25 years
Gianluca Maresca
Midfield - Central Midfield
32 years GS Rondinella Calcio GS Rondinella Calcio
Ferdinando Rega
Midfield - Left Midfield
34 years AlbinoGandino 2014 AlbinoGandino 2014
Gennaro Buondonno
Striker - Left Wing
25 years Pimonte Pimonte
Christian Nina
Midfield - Central Midfield
23 years Vis Pesaro Vis Pesaro
Antonio D'Aquino
25 years
Gaetano Vastola Retired
Defence - Right-Back
46 years
Luigi Malafronte Retired
Defence - Centre-Back
46 years
Giuseppe Perrino Retired
Midfield - Central Midfield
33 years
Gaetano Manzi Retired
Defence - Left-Back
67 years
Alberto Savino Retired
Defence - Centre-Back
51 years
Alberto Nocerino Retired
Defence - Left-Back
49 years
Luciano Gaudino Retired
66 years

Managers and Coaches born in Pompei

Person Age Club
Vincenzo Sicignano
Goalkeeping Coach
50 years
Ciro Manzo
Assistant Manager
45 years
Gaetano Manzi
Assistant Manager
67 years

Referees born in Pompei

Person Age
Marco Guida Referee
43 years
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