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Un-Blooded Yautja are young inexperienced hunters that fall behind even a Young Blood in rank. They are not yet experienced enough to participate in a Xenomorph Hunt.
- "Unblooded were tiresome creatures, inexperienced and vibrating with bloodlust."
- ―Tli'uukop's sentiments on Unblooded (from Skeld's Keep)

A hunting party of Un-Blooded, led by Tichinde.
Un-Blooded Yautja are denied certain privileges that other, higher-ranked predators have. They are limited to a certain amount of weapons and, if the Young Bloods are anything to go by, those weapons lack the acid-resistance generally found in hunting tools. They also cannot challenge anyone to a death-match, only claw-challenges.[1]
Un-Blooded Yautja are often violent, restless, formless and eager, in stark contrast to the silent, methodical methods of older, more experienced Yautja.
Most un-Blooded are male and train in groups of about 15 or 20. However, groups of 40 sometimes occur. They train beneath the eye of a Leader.
Promotion to Young Blood[]
Basic Training[]

Big Mama training Caryn, a human un-Blooded, to fight.
Before a Yautja begins hunting, he first spends weeks learning hand-to-hand combat. He then learns simple blade combat.[2] This basic training is taught by experienced older Predators of Blooded rank or higher. The neophyte Predator is expected to attack the seasoned Predator armed with nothing but their bare hands, Cloak, bio-helmet, and Wrist Blades.saw

Caryn, thinking big Mama is displeased with her.
Presumably, they are to keep training until their teacher is satisfied with their progress. Not all un-Blooded Predators make it out of this stage alive; training can be deadly to unqualified and inexperienced youngsters and it is implied that a teacher who feels their charge is not improving can kill the student with impunity, although this might've been a dynamic unique to Big Mama and her human student Caryn Delacroix.[3] However, it is known that particularly disobedient students may be killed for stepping too far out of line, at the Teacher's discretion. A large part of training is humbling the would-be hunters and shaping their natural bloodlust into something more refined and deadly.

Un-Blooded quarters are shared.
After hand-to-hand training is complete, un-Blooded hunters are transported, in groups of 12 to 40[4], to planets which are intentionally seeded with Xenomorphs. Given an assortment of armaments which they must fight over, they assemble as a Pack and follow a Leader to become blooded Predators.
Training can sometimes be done by a parent, either a mother or father, and not always against another Yautja. For instance, Nk'mecci learned the ways of the hunt under the tutelage of his father by hunting the native fauna of the Predator homeworld.[5] The methods were often also viable on sentient game and occasionally, echoed by them as well. It can be presumed that the disgraced Elder, Hook trained his two sons Splitter and Pig Iron.
Exemplary Battle Prowess[]
It is mentioned in War that a skilled enough Yautja can skip the rank of Young Blood altogether and jump straight to a Blooded warrior. One way this is possible is killing a Queen Xenomorph single-handedly. Machiko Noguchi did this and later escaped from a Queen, but because she was Human, she was ignored and scorned instead of praised and exalted.
Falling from Grace[]
Not all un-Blooded Predators are young and inexperienced. If a Predator of high rank humiliates itself seriously enough to warrant a punishment less extreme than death, they will be exiled instead for up to a century, perhaps longer. Likely at the discretion of the Clan Leader, this Predator will be allowed to return to the Clan but will have to atone for the mistakes of its past. When they return, they are demoted, stripped of their honor and equipment, and given the tools of an inexperienced hunter, expected to redeem themselves by starting all over again.
Lock Pleating[]
In Nat'ka'pu's clan, it is said that the first step to becoming a warrior was the pleating of the hunters Dreadlocks. Hunter's Planet describes tough and wirelike and that the tube-like dreadlocks are the end product of a long and extremely painful ritual that take months. At the slightest show of pain or discomfort, the pleats are undone, and the process must be started over again.[6]
According to Concrete Jungle, inexperienced hunters are allotted the following hunting tools:
- An un-Blooded warrior rank has never been seen.
- The wrist blades provided for an un-Blooded are far shorter than one most other Predators. All other ranks tend to have far more impressive blades, indicating their higher position.
- Aliens vs. Predator/novel
- Aliens vs. Predator: Blood Time
- Aliens vs. Predator: Duel
- Aliens vs. Predator: War/novel
- Predator: Concrete Jungle
Notable Un-Blooded[]
- ↑ Aliens vs. Predator: Prey
- ↑ Aliens vs. Predator: War (novel)
- ↑ Deadliest of the Species
- ↑ AVP: War
- ↑ Predator: If It Bleeds
- ↑ Aliens vs. Predator Omnibus, Page 282